suffer in Hindi

suffer <V.>

  1. सहना "She is suffering from jaundice."

Sentence patterns related to "suffer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suffer" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suffer", or refer to the context using the word "suffer" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Units may suffer battle Afflictions when they suffer damage

2. Suffer a stroke.

स्ट्रोक हो सकता है।

3. Did she suffer?

4. Why do we suffer?

5. I suffer from corns.

6. Employment performance can suffer.

7. I suffer from halitosis.

8. Let's make him suffer.

9. Suffer from heart disease.

10. Balletomanes suffer from balletomania

11. Do you suffer from migraine?

12. People who suffer from Agitated …

13. to suffer for one's wisdom.

14. I suffer from dizzy spells .

15. He didn't suffer fools gladly.

16. Detraction will not suffer it.

17. Great souls suffer in silence.

18. Suffer from type 2 diabetes.

19. Money but also to suffer.

20. She doesn't suffer fools gladly.

21. So they suffer food shortages.

22. Clearly, the dead cannot suffer.

23. Both Good and Bad Suffer

24. Promote identity will suffer wrong than

25. Alas, we are born to suffer.

26. I suffer from short-term memory-

27. I often suffer from unaccountable headaches.

28. How can you suffer such insolence?

29. You'll suffer from smoking too much.

30. Patients usually suffer from increased irritability.

31. How does judgement suffer from trachoma?

32. Do You Suffer From Sleep Debt?

33. You see, I suffer from insomnia.

34. You want to see me suffer.

35. May those responsible suffer equal fate.

36. I still suffer from lip ulcers.

37. Dieters suffer from violent mood swings.

38. Deliberately making people suffer is immoral.

39. 13 Many drivers suffer from backache.

40. Aeschylus - He who learns must suffer

41. Many adolescents suffer from/have acne.

42. 7 Great souls suffer in silence.

43. They also can suffer from burnout.

44. For this, Camelot will suffer greatly.

45. Your speech and appearance may suffer.

46. Children's development opportunities suffer in consequence.

47. Bulls do not suffer during the Bullfight

48. Sebastiana: I only suffer from overwork nervos.

49. We feel Commiseration when others suffer or …

50. Many suffer from tuberculosis, bronchitis, and asthma.

बहुत-से बच्चों को टीबी, श्वासनली-शोथ (ब्रॉन्काइटिस) और दमा की बीमारी हो गयी है।