ethnically in Hindi


  1. जाति~सम्बन्धी "He took right decision at ethnically troubled region."

Sentence patterns related to "ethnically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ethnically" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ethnically", or refer to the context using the word "ethnically" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Ethnically, the I-Kiribati are Micronesians.

2. 9 Surinam is culturally and ethnically diverse.

3. 28 The parish was large, poor and ethnically diverse.

4. blipster (plural Blipsters) An ethnically black (African-American) hipster.

5. 7 New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city.

6. Balkanization, division of a multinational state into smaller ethnically homogeneous entities

7. The population of Abkhazia remains ethnically very diverse, even after the 1992–1993 War.

8. The country is officially an Arabic country, but ethnically Algerians are not pure Arabs

9. However, they are often counted as separate languages because their speakers are ethnically distinct.

10. The Zarubinets culture is identified as proto-Slavic or an ethnically-mixed community which became Slavicized.

11. Bosnian War, ethnically rooted war in Bosnia and Herzegovina that took place from 1992 to 1995

12. Race plays a large role in Malaysian politics, and many Malaysian political parties are ethnically based.

13. Cairo - Cairo - People: Cairo’s population, once both ethnically and religiously diverse, is now predominantly Muslim

14. Most of the people who self-identified as "Caledonian" are thought to be ethnically European.

15. Both schemes treat the Shan people who live in the same or contiguous areas as ethnically distinct.

16. (Proverbs 18:1) People become suspicious of one another and become divided racially, ethnically, socially, and economically.

17. Assimilationists suggest that such values are possible only within a more culturally, and to some ethnically, homogenous society

18. Al-Hasakah has an ethnically diverse population of Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians and a smaller number of Armenians.

19. "There is an absolutely great photographer who is ethnically Armenian, Ara Guller. He is called the live symbol of Istanbul .

20. Advancing armies evicted civilians —in both small villages and large cities— to create ethnically pure areas for their own religious group.

21. Arabic-speaking desert nomads of the Middle East are known as Bedouin. Ethnically, the Bedouin are identical to other Arabs

22. An interesting theory is the Atlanteans are ethnically linked to the ancient Guanches and Berbers whose origins have been elusive to anthropologists.

23. Balkanization is a term used to describe the division or fragmentation of a state or region into smaller, often ethnically similar places

24. 30 Its dreamlike construction of our sceptred isle as an ethnically purified one provides a special comfort against the ravages of decline.

25. The University of Chicago is a private, nondenominational, culturally rich and ethnically diverse coeducational research university located in Hyde Park, Chicago.

26. Alternative Title: minority group Minority, a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that Coexists with but is subordinate to a more dominant group

27. According to census data, there are about 3,700 people on the island and on the Chilean mainland who identify as ethnically Rapa Nui.

28. But New York and Los Angeles, the two most ethnically diverse cities in the US, are also America's leaders in business and in the arts.

29. Accelerando is an intensive education program designed to prepare gifted young students of ethnically diverse backgrounds to pursue music at the collegiate level and beyond

30. The southern part of the British territory joined the Federal Republic of Cameroon, while the northern part, ethnically united with the Hausa-city states, joined Nigeria.

31. What is believed today is that the Belgae were a confederacy of ethnically mixed tribes living between the Celts and the Germans in what is now …

32. Astrakhan is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse cities in Russia, as a result, there are churches of various confessions, mosques, temples, all over the place.

33. Bosnian War, ethnically rooted war (1992–95) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a former republic of Yugoslavia with a multiethnic population comprising Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Serbs, and Croats.

34. “Ethnic Cleansing” is the attempt to get rid of—through deportation, displacement or even mass killing—members of an unwanted ethnic group in order to establish an ethnically homogenous

35. Muslim Bosniaks have been using both the terms "Muslim" and "Bosniak" in addition to the combined term "Muslim Bosniak" to ethnically define themselves for centuries

36. In these areas, it is the primary language of ethnic Thais as well as of the ethnically Malay people on both sides of the Thai-Malaysian border in Satun and Songkhla provinces.

37. The fight between ethnically Ambonese and Bugis individuals in a bus station, which is said to have sparked the January 19, 1999, riots in Maluku, is a classic case of intergroup conflict expressed as a clash of individuals.

38. Although Berbers ruled the region until the 16th century (under such powerful dynasties as the Almoravids, the Almohads, Hafsids, etc.), the arrival of these tribes eventually helped Arabize much of it ethnically, in addition to the linguistic and political impact on …

39. Specifically, Affirmatively furthering fair housing means taking meaningful actions that, taken together, address significant disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity, replacing segregated living patterns with truly integrated and balanced living patterns, transforming racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty into

40. By increasing the political attractiveness of the state, especially in our ethnically fragmented societies in Africa, aid tends to accentuate ethnic tensions as every single ethnic group now begins struggling to enter the state in order to get access to the foreign aid pie.

किसी राष्ट्र के राजनैतिक आकर्षण बढ़्ने से, वो भी हमारे जैसे जातियों में विभाजित अफ्रिकी समाजों में, अनुदान जातिगत तनावों को बढ़ा देता है. क्योंकि हर एक जाति का गुट सरकार में शामिल होने की कोशिश करेगा ताकि उसे विदेशी अनुदान में हिस्सा मिल सके.

41. 5/8 Ethnically, the Bahutu and Batutsi are Banyarwanda, but the likes of you, Mr Kashambuzi, Mr Wafula Oguttu and others in our world would rather call them tribes/ethnic groups for the sake of advancing indolent political agendas that end up causing bloodshed

42. Internationally acclaimed artist Charles Bibbs, whose work is featured in museums, galleries, organizations, and homes of many collectors, displays a deep sense of Spirituality, Majesty, Dignity, Strength and Grace in his images, that is done in a combination of realistic and larger-than-life interpretations of contemporary subjects that are ethnically rooted.

43. This is due to the accusations being made about her, one of those being that she “Blackfishes.” “Blackfishing” is a term used to describe people — most often white — who enhance or alter features of their appearance in order to appear Black or “ethnically ambiguous.” Nelson being outed as a “blackfisher” is nothing new.

44. Somali Bantu History The Somali Bantus are an ethnic group from Somalia, largely from the Shebelle and Jubba River valleys, in the Southwestern part of the country. Somali Bantus are ethnically and culturally different from the general Somali population, made up of the Cushitic Somali clan, and Arab and Italian minorities (Eno & Van Lehman, 2003).