tell to one's face in English

say directly to someone

Use "tell to ones face" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tell to ones face" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tell to ones face", or refer to the context using the word "tell to ones face" in the English Dictionary.

1. To tell one's name ? the livelong June?

2. You face him, bestride on his body one's knees.

3. Good,'cause I'm gonna tell you directly to your face.

4. The face Age detector can tell you

5. Confrontation the act of facing or being made to face one's own attitudes and shortcomings, the way one is perceived, and the consequences of one's behavior, or of causing another to face these things

6. His face was agonized and he was trying to tell me something.

7. For the Cellist, it is a real passage to go through - to develop one's style and to come up face to face with such masterpieces

8. It certainly was a curious experience to flaunt one's religion in the face of London.

9. One's face fills with wrinkles because time does not pass in vain.

10. The temptation to follow a fantail flitting in front of one's face is often hard to resist.

11. You'd better tell her the truth and face the music.

12. 9 Who can tell me, face parting, how should abreact?

13. He took an involuntary pace forward and raised the shotgun to point straight at Angel One's face.

14. Tell the elders and other mature ones of the difficulties you face.

15. "No, don't tell me how often you scraped your face this morning.

16. What is terrifying is the risk of humiliation, of metaphorically falling flat on one's face.

17. Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.

18. Worried, Delaney followed, searching her face, fearing the tell-tale signs of toxicity.

19. Face-saving – This approach refers to justifying a stance based on one's previously expressed principles and values in a negotiation.

20. She used to tell us, "I'm fine with my crooked smile and with my numbness in my face.

21. They can't tell us how to live and not face the music when their own conduct is questioned.

22. It is difficult to reconcile one's statements with one's conduct.

23. Be prepared to put one's hand in one's pocket. 

24. One's opinion tends to differ in accordance with one's standpoint.

25. To Tell or Not to Tell?