munchausen's syndrome in English

a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly feigns severe illness so as to obtain hospital treatment.
The notes would also have shown that he had Munchausen's syndrome - a mental disorder in which the patient tries to obtain hospital treatment for an illness that does not exist.

Use "munchausens syndrome" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "munchausens syndrome" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "munchausens syndrome", or refer to the context using the word "munchausens syndrome" in the English Dictionary.

1. TMJ SYNDROME (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome)

2. Arteriohepatic dysplasia Asymmetric crying face association Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Biemond's syndrome Bird-headed dwarfism with progressive ataxia, insulin-resistant diabetes, goiter [] Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Barth syndrome Basal cell nevus …

3. And this is a syndrome called androgen insensitivity syndrome.

4. Burnout Syndrome

5. In German-speaking countries, Cubital tunnel syndrome is often referred to as sulcus ulnaris syndrome (retrocondylar groove syndrome)

6. A number of genetic conditions are associated with heart defects including Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Marfan syndrome.

7. Children with Bartter syndrome, more so than those with Gitelman syndrome

8. Not entrapment syndrome.

9. Exploding head syndrome.

10. “Sick-Building Syndrome”

11. Congenital rubella syndrome

12. “Sudden Wealth Syndrome”

13. Sick sinus syndrome?

14. 3 synonyms for Bulimarexia: binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, bulima nervosa

15. 3 synonyms for Bulimarexia: binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, bulima nervosa

16. What to do about hyperkinetic syndrome Hyperkinetic syndrome can begin in infancy.

17. • Patellar femoral syndrome

18. Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome are examples of syndromic intellectual disabilities.

19. Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the second most common peripheral nerve compression syndrome

20. The imaging finds a contusion of the spinal anterior syndrome (Kahn-Schneider syndrome).

21. Phlebitis May–Thurner syndrome.

22. syndrome, chronic bronchitis, and

23. • acute flaccid paralysis (e.g., poliomyelitis-like syndrome or Guillain-Barré-like syndrome),3 or

24. Called also Briquet's syndrome.

25. Tenosynovitis Thoracic outlet syndrome