he'll in English

he shall; he will.
If he succeeds, he'll richly deserve one of those expensive cigars which are his trademark.
a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.
In that explanation, the hell realm was in the depths of the earth.
synonyms:the netherworldthe Infernothe infernal regionsthe abysseternal damnationperditionhellfirefire and brimstoneHadesSheolAcheronGehennaTophetthe pit
used to express annoyance or surprise or for emphasis.
oh, hell—where will this all end?

Use "hell" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hell" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hell", or refer to the context using the word "hell" in the English Dictionary.

1. He'll take your ID. He'll give you a new one.

2. He'll arrive in the afternoon, and he'll stay for dinner.

3. He'll be crushed.

4. He'll need intensive physiotherapy.

5. He'll survive. TY:

6. He'll fire without warning.

7. He'll find he's not.

8. He'll send you packing.

9. He'll tickle you... there.

10. He said he'll destroy the temple in three days, and he'll do it.

11. So he'll get you and your dowry and he'll take the Bouriennka as well.

12. He'll survive no matter what.

13. He'll remain to accompany you.

14. He'll get a pink slip.

15. Keep questioning, he'll squeak soon.

16. He'll send a postcard.

17. Maybe he'll be late.

18. He'll die of sepsis.

19. He'll fold like an accordion.

20. He'll never amount to anything.

21. If anything, he'll be pissed.

22. I'm pretty sure he'll agree.

23. He'll never make money dishonestly.

24. He'll somnambulate into the afterworld.

25. He'll take Joe all right.

26. Oh, he'll get his fangs.

27. He'll be back next week.

28. He'll never let you down.

29. He'll keep a dehumidifying chamber handy.

30. If you're right, he'll just laugh.

31. Then he'll get over the shock.

32. He'll be down in a minute.

33. If he smells heat, he'll bolt.

34. And now, he'll come after us.

35. He'll slip through the tiniest crack.

36. He'll be remembered with genuine affection.

37. But I'm sure he'll understand.

38. I warrant he'll be late.

39. He'll be two in February.

40. He'll be tickling you too.

41. He'll be home by now.

42. Do you think he'll be acquitted?

43. He'll be a pussy magnet, buddy.

44. There's no knowing how he'll react.

45. Do you think he'll pass away?

46. He'll be busy for ages yet.

47. We're hoping he'll reach out shortly.

48. Maybe he'll have better luck tomorrow.

49. He'll own the whole goddamn state.

50. There's no certainty that he'll remember.