get one's act together in English

get organized, get a hold of oneself, pull oneself up by the bootstraps, pull oneself together, clean up one's act

Use "get ones act together" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "get ones act together" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "get ones act together", or refer to the context using the word "get ones act together" in the English Dictionary.

1. Let's all get together and act as one.

2. Chinese package tour agencies should get their act together.

3. 13 She's so disorganized - I wish she'd get her act together.

4. Helps your brain and hands learn to get their act together.

5. to act up to one's principles,etc.

6. Ablution or performing one's Ablutions is the act of

7. It insists upon one's performing an act of lucidity as one performs an act of faith.

8. Addression meaning (obsolete) The act of addressing or directing one's course.

9. Accombination: The act of combining together

10. One's an act of kindness, of love, the other of evil.

11. Addression (plural Addressions) (obsolete) The act of addressing or directing one's course.

12. And get rich together.

13. See: (one's) Cup runneth over a storm in a teaCup a tempest in a teaCup be in (one's) Cups be not (one's) Cup of tea Cup (one's) hands together Cup hands together Cup of java Cup of joe Cup of tea Cup of tea, one's in (one's) Cups in Cups in one's Cups in your Cups just (one's) Cup of tea just Cup of tea many a slip 'twixt the Cup and the lip, there's

14. Get yourself together, Will.

15. No one's been able to get anything on them.

16. Absentation: The act of absenting one's self, or the state of being absent.

17. (often plural) the act of washing (esp in the phrase perform one's Ablutions)

18. To get by one's own efforts: Acquire proficiency in math

19. See also: bowel, get, uproar evacuate (one's) Bowels To defecate

20. 10 Get your shit together.

21. When can we get together?

22. Go get your stuff together.

23. We must get together sometime.

24. Let's get together again sometime.

25. 9 Get it together, Jack.