fall on one's sword in English

commit suicide by throwing one's body onto one's sword

Use "fall on ones sword" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fall on ones sword" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fall on ones sword", or refer to the context using the word "fall on ones sword" in the English Dictionary.

1. This younger generation's not gonna fall on their sword for segregation.

2. Teleki, aristocrat as he was, felt obliged to fall on his sword.

3. 25 By the sword your men will fall,

4. A week's journey with you and she'll order you to fall on your sword.

5. The Clank of a sword sounds above the measured foot fall on a polished floor

6. Perhaps my sword will find your woman's throat, before I fall.

7. See: (something) is the straw that Broke the camel's back all hell breaks loose all hell Broke loose be flat Broke bed and breakfast break (one's) ass break (one's) balls break (one's) duck break (one's) egg break (one's) fall break (one's) heart break (one's) stones break (one's) word break (someone's) serve break (something) on (something) break

8. But after 0.01 seconds the owner of the sword will fall for me

9. He buckled on his sword.

10. The achievement of one's purpose depends largely on one's perseverance.

11. 1 He buckled on his sword.

12. A Blot on (one's) escutcheon A stain or mark against one's reputation or that of one's family

13. Stand on one's own feet.

14. One's mantle falls on somebody.

15. Stand on one's own legs.

16. It is the first time we have ever heard our name fall from any one's lips -- sullied.

17. This one's on the QT.

18. Sword of Cepheus is a roleplaying game in the triple “Sword” genres: Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Planet, and Sword and Sandal

19. They will cut off your nose and your ears, and those of you who remain will fall by the sword.

20. His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.

21. Fritter away one's money on gambling.

22. Success usually attends on one's effort.

23. + 21 All the fugitives of his troops will fall by the sword, and those remaining will be scattered in every direction.

24. On Abhorring the Sword by Thomas Francis Meagher

25. Come on, let's drink to our Sword King.