euro's in English

the single European currency, which replaced the national currencies of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands in 2002. Seventeen member states of the European Union now use the euro.
It has been years now since much of Europe abandoned national currencies for the euro .
the common wallaroo (see wallaroo ).

Use "euros" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "euros" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "euros", or refer to the context using the word "euros" in the English Dictionary.

1. That hawkishness is part of the reason for the euro's rise.

2. Analysts said the euro's resilience was a bullish signal for the currency.

3. And the Germans called for tougher sanctions on countries that flout the euro's budget rules.

4. The euro's slide is based upon Europe's absolute and relative decline in reference to the American economy.

5. "Germany and France can't agree on the euro's future, with France wanting status quo and Germany saying it can't keep bailing out member states each time there is a crisis," said Ostwald.

6. Majid Ali writes:Dear Mr Old,We need MT103 of worth 500M euro's but in installments like 100M per transactions in Hongkong we have every thing ready to move on kindly contact me as soon as possible.Thank & Best Regards.MAJID Alismal[email protected][email protected]