do one's best in English

do something as well as one can; perform as well as possible; give one's best

Use "do ones best" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "do ones best" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "do ones best", or refer to the context using the word "do ones best" in the English Dictionary.

1. One must do one's best.

2. One should do one's best for the country.

3. One should do one's best for the revolution.

4. Do one's best solves the main problem of existence.

5. We do one's best a few new point of views.

6. The fulcrum that enterprise and farmer balance in do one's best.

7. Improving one's last effort instead of comparing with others do one's best.

8. EPSON pursues this objective in ground do one's best all the time.

9. But, also a few enterprises react to this Chi Chun, measure do one's best.

10. Return some land to contract cost controls not do one's best, increased masses burden.

11. But, if our answer measure do one's best, will form huge pressure and challenge to agriculture.

12. Do one's best to construct amalgamate with hill body; insist on top to keep its original ecology environment.

13. The introduction of the article and analytic do one's best obtain run-of-mill research technique, thereby new and high to each area has a case research.

14. He still admits, do a test to avoid what be censured to use others to die, the do one's best when he is fabricating this paragraph of word is not ill-natured the figure of elegant Er.