didn't work in English

did not function, was unsuccessful

Use "didnt work" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "didnt work" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "didnt work", or refer to the context using the word "didnt work" in the English Dictionary.

1. It didn't work.

2. The degausser didn't work.

3. The ploy didn't work.

4. Carpal tunnel surgery obviously didn't work.

5. Ambulance jockey future didn't work out?

6. My first job didn't work out.

7. And your plan with Heather didn't work.

8. 6 Practically, the plan didn't work well.

9. I'm telling you that Zombrex didn't work.

10. I loved it, but it didn't work.

11. Things just didn't work out as planned.

12. Your so-called " central solution " didn't work.

13. He didn't work hard. Thus he was fired.

14. First Multiplication, then Parentheses, but that didn't work.

15. • The salesman tried Browbeating me but it didn't work

16. He tried to look apologetic, but it didn't work.

17. The seal on the double paned windows didn't work.

18. I've sung the whole thing and it didn't work.

19. You tried to seduce me, but it didn't work.

20. That's it. If it didn't work in 30 days, you simply told the inventor - that his fez didn't work - and you got your money back.

21. Going the dangerous and aggressive route didn't work the last time.

22. Most people'd be excited if they didn't work for two weeks.

23. Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good, huh?

24. The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.

25. The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn't work.

26. Look/sound Apologetic • He tried to look Apologetic, but it didn't work

27. 6 The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.

28. This comedian started it when his TV didn't work in his hotel room.

29. Was noisy because the train station near by, airconditioner didn't work, internet not free.

30. 20 It didn't work though, near the end he collapsed, not the butler, Flack.

31. Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all.

32. my mini bar fridge didn't work, there was no air conditioner, the bathroom was small.

33. I just recently discovered the Backspace button didn't work anymore when my Chrome browser updated

34. They thought it would slow down the cancer cells from replicating, but it didn't work.

35. The old dreams were very good dreams; they didn't work out(Sentencedict.com), but I'm glad I had them.

36. And when that didn't work, he had an animated discussion with team manager Maurizio Mancini before stamping off.

37. There was an overhead light with no lampshade and a bedside lamp on the floor which didn't work.

38. Patent and Trademark Office's independent watchdog found that patent examiners Bilked the government claiming 300,000 hours they didn't work

39. The ploy didn't work: although the News of the World did not print the Mahmood story, other papers did.

40. It didn't work perfectly, but I still think they sort of cracked the door ajar on a Pandora's box here.

41. It didn't work: the banks, laden with bad loans, faced outsize insolvency problems, not just a shortage of liquid funds.

42. Her Bared teeth were because the growl didn't work on you so she had to crank it up a notch

43. The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didn't work.

44. If you think the Camera isn't working (you tried it on two computers and it didn't work), then contact the support staff of the Camera's brand

45. Even that didn't work out, providing the first levity in days. Just as the commencement speaker, hometown mayor Walter Washington, got up to speak, a tremendous storm cloud came out.

46. One reason why the other attempt to add buttons (table.buttons().container().appendTo('#Buttonholder');) didn't work was because I forgot to put back in the assignment of the table variable to the DataTable

47. I had to use ctrl-z many times in my editor to revert from a version where I thought elision was working and then for some reason, it just didn't work anymore.

48. 17 On the other hand, a TV ad showing "Julie, " who lost 142 pounds, didn't work as a 2-minute spot even though it did quite well as a 30-minute infomercial.

49. The exact colonoscopy prep instructions depend on the Bowel prep your doctor prefers, the time of your colonoscopy, and any prior experience you've had with colon preps (if one didn't work before, you'll likely