cat's-ear in English

a plant that resembles the dandelion, with yellow flowers and rosettes of leaves.
The grey which was the most prominent colour in the design was formed by antenara tomemtosum, better known as ‘ cat's ear ’.

Use "cats-ear" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cats-ear" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cats-ear", or refer to the context using the word "cats-ear" in the English Dictionary.

1. Abear afear affear alear all-year anchovy-pear anear ant-bear appear arear arrear asear ass-ear atbear backbear beachwear bear bear's-ear bear-gear beblear behear beshear besmear betear bilinear binuclear blear Booklear bugbear bull-bear campear cat's-ear cavear cear chear chemonuclear choke-pear clear co-appear coappear cochlear cold-clear