can't stand in English

ot able to suffer, cannot endure

Use "cant stand" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cant stand" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cant stand", or refer to the context using the word "cant stand" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can't stand losing her.

2. Yeah, I can't stand it.

3. I can't stand the guy.

4. My son can't stand me.

5. I can't stand the things.

6. He can't stand hot weather.

7. 8 I can't stand losing you.

8. I can't stand much more of this.

9. I can't stand knowing she will go.

10. First, you can't stand to get hit.

11. Please, Tom, I can't stand it anymore!

12. 18 I can't stand people who brag.

13. 8 I can't stand it any longer.

14. I told you I can't stand clutter.

15. Lily can't stand working in an office.

16. We just can't stand despotic clauses like this.

17. You can't stand in the way of progress!

18. I can't stand pointing fingers and raised fists.

19. You know I can't stand these scented markers.

20. I can't stand him interrupting all the time.

21. I can't stand people interrupting all the time.

22. He can't stand traveling in the rush hour.

23. 8 To be candid, I can't stand her.

24. I can't stand by and watch him die.

25. It's that sanctimonious air that people can't stand.

26. I can't stand the confines of this marriage.

27. 7 I can't stand here gossiping all day.

28. I can't stand her - she's so stuck-up.

29. I can't stand that I'm so miserable and pathetic

30. 27 I can't stand it any longer. I'm resigning.

31. We can't stand by while millions of people starve.

32. We can't stand idly by and let people starve.

33. I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.

34. 3 I can't stand living in this godforsaken hole.

35. 16 You can't stand in the way of progress!

36. I can't stand Martin; he's always on the make.

37. 3 I can't stand the way he's always carping.

38. FDR exploded with " I can't stand those she - males. "

39. I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.

40. 8 You can't stand in the way of progress!

41. She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood.

42. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people groveling.

43. 7 I'm a useless weakling, and I can't stand excitement.

44. I have a thing around celery. I can't stand it.

45. I can't stand him, or any others of that ilk.

46. I can't stand this slum any longer, tidy it up!

47. She simply can't stand for those who put on airs.

48. She can't stand heights and has always suffered from vertigo.

49. You know I can't stand Judge Clayton and his fundraising extravaganzas.

50. I can't stand him, or any others of that / his ilk.