striations in Germany

striations [strieiʃənz] Streifenbildunge

Sentence patterns related to "striations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "striations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "striations", or refer to the context using the word "striations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Glacial Abrasion is commonly characterized by glacial striations

2. Corking (uncountable) The formation of white, cork-like striations on a jalapeño pepper

3. Specific changes included striations into the diaphysis (12 cases) and beaking of the metaphyseal margin(21 cases).

4. Beefwood gets its name from its rusty color and dark-to-pale striations, which give it the appearance of raw meat.

5. The acrosome has a length of 7 μ, a width of 0,3 μ and resembles a rod with delicate longitudinal striations.

Das Akrosom, 7 μ lang und 0,3 μ dick, ist ein Stab mit diskreter Längsstreifung.

6. This shows vertical striations on its inner side and lacks denticles on its front edge; these features are, in this combination, only known from Ceratosaurus.

7. Like others of the series, Bytownite forms grey to white triclinic crystals commonly exhibiting the typical plagioclase twinning and associated fine striations.

8. Horizontal striations add a series of linear voids to lighten the appearance of the exterior wall, similarly allowing natural light to dapple the interior.

9. Specifically, paleontologist Mark Purnell of the University of Leicester in England and his colleagues found four sets of striations oriented in different directions on the teeth of Edmontosaurus.

10. Medical Definition of A band : one of the cross striations in striated muscle that contain myosin filaments and appear dark under the light microscope and light in polarized light Learn More about A band

11. Cola acuminata, an evergreen tree about 20 metres in height, has long, ovoid leaves pointed at both the ends with a leathery texture.The trees have cream flowers with purplish-brown striations, and star-shaped fruit.

12. The Appositional secretion process of the enamel during its histogenesis creates a series of striations on the surface of the dental crown in the form of grooves known as Perikymata (Simmer & Hu, 20peri [phrase omitted] 'around' + kyma [phrase omitted] derived from the Greek words 'wave' (Cortes & …

13. Tegument covered with Aculeae; subapical lobe undivided, seta a sharp with tip bent dorsally, seta b stouter with more of end bent, seta c also stout, curved slightly with end recurved, seta d-f finer with end sharply hooked, seta g foliform with striations, seta h fine and curved

14. The geographical link between the chestnut and the Mugello, an area especially well-suited for growing nut-bearing chestnuts, stems mainly from the fact that the local ecotypes of chestnut, all traceable to the Marrone Fiorentino variety, reproduced agamically for many centuries (as confirmed by the presence of many centuries-old trees), besides being genetically suited to the local environment (soils, climate, cultivation methods, etc.) form an indissoluble pair with the area and give the chestnuts characteristics which make them quite distinguishable from those of other areas by their shape (slightly flattened), hilum (rectangular) and colour (reddish brown with darker, raised, longitudinal striations).