stresses in Germany

stresses [strisiz] betont

Sentence patterns related to "stresses"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stresses" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stresses", or refer to the context using the word "stresses" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Comparison of the stresses with the maximum permissible stresses.

Vergleich der Spannungen mit den maximal zulässigen Spannungen.

2. Allowable stresses

Zulässige Belastungen

3. Maximum permissible stresses.

4. These compressive stresses compensate for the tensile stresses produced by the bonding process.

Diese Druckspannungen kompensieren die beim Verbindungsprozeß auftretenden Zugspannungen.

5. Bioregionalism stresses that the

6. Averaged stresses then have only one value at each node, averaging the available element stresses

7. 12 All shear stresses must vanish.

8. The selection of diameters shall be verified by comparing the calculated stresses with the maximum permissible stresses

Die Auswahl der Durchmesser ist durch Vergleich der berechneten Spannungen mit den maximal zulässigen Spannungen zu prüfen

9. Permissible stresses for static test methods

Zulässige Spannungen bei statischen Versuchsmethoden

10. Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism.

11. Allelochemical synthesis affected by environmental stresses

12. Compressive stresses in laser remelted layers minimize the probability for cracking and allow higher Hertzian stresses during service.

Druckeigenspannungen in laserumge-schmolzenen Schichten minimieren die Rißgefahr und erlauben hohere Hertz’sche Pressungen im Einsatz.

13. This guideline stresses the deterrence of war.

14. — The permissible stresses are essentially defined by:

— Die maximal zulässigen Spannungen sind im Wesentlichen definiert durch:

15. " Obesity , " stresses Rajagopal , " is a major factor . "

16. Venant flexure in plane stress, based on the assumption of a medium which supports moment stresses as well as force stresses.

Venantsche Querkraft-Biegeproblem auf der Grundlage eines Stoffes gegeben, der nicht nur Kraft-Spannungen sondern auch Momenten-Spannungen übertragen kann.

17. This work stresses the potential role of Bacteriophages …

18. The maximum permissible stresses shall be derived from:

Die maximal zulässigen Spannungen müssen abgeleitet werden aus:

19. Conveys emphasizes explains verifies proves validates stresses establishes

20. Wind braces assure the avoidance of abnormal stresses.

Ein Tragsystem mit festem Gerüst, Pfeilern und Balken.

21. The manual stresses the importance of regular maintenance.

22. A spa can provide relief from everyday stresses.

23. The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual.

24. Jehovah thereby powerfully stresses the importance of his standards.

25. Visible additive stresses economic significance to what raise scientifically.

26. Karl Culmann was the first to conceive a graphical representation for stresses while considering longitudinal and vertical stresses in horizontal beams during bending.

27. Summary: Signs (directions) of forces on FBDs are not matching up with the conventions used for tensile and Compressive stresses I have recently learned that, by convention, axial tensile stresses are positive and axial Compressive stresses are negative

28. Previously, MacGregor used experimental methods to analyse the stresses.

29. The stresses are kept at the maximum allowed levels.

Extremwerte der Spannungen treten auf der Innenseite des Bauteils oder in Umfangs-Richtung am Rand des Ausschnitts auf.

30. 16 The process does not affect the shear stresses.

31. Caodaism stresses equality among men and women in society.

32. Therefore, they often minimize the stresses their children feel.

33. The temptations and stresses of Satan’s world are intensifying.

34. Cenobitic monasticism is a monastic tradition that stresses community life

35. Besting Blackouts: Cold Snap Stresses Need for Market-driven Reliability

36. Structures and mechanical parts, Permissible stresses for static test methods

Strukturen und mechanische Teile, zulässige Beanspruchungen für statische Prüfmethoden

37. The source of these stresses is the air-resistance force.

Die Quelle dieser Kräfte ist der Luftwiderstand.

38. Stresses applied to plastically deform the metal are usually compressive.

39. Annealing also removes stresses that can occur when welds solidify

40. The permissible range of dynamic stresses, A, are as follows :

Zulässig sind folgende Größen für die dynamischen Spannungen A:

41. The permissible range of dynamic stresses, A, are as follows:

Zulässig sind folgende Größen für die dynamischen Spannungen A:

42. The stresses were applied to the samples in cycling climate.

Die Beanspruchung der Versuchskörper erfolgte im Wechselklima.

43. Caterpillar knows engine parts must endure incredible stresses and extreme temperatures

44. It is, he stresses, neither a panacea nor a Pandora's box.

45. She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.

46. By this reckoning, a flexible body learns to acclimatize to stresses.

47. Relatively simple analytic expressions are obtained for the stresses and deformations.

Für die Spannungen und Verformungen ergeben sich relativ einfache analytische Ausdrücke.

48. The Cannibalism you do see sometimes takes place because of environmental stresses

49. Cenobitic (or coenobitic) monasticism is a monastic tradition that stresses community life

50. Answer: Apophyseal injuries are stresses to the growth plate in adolescent athletes