streak in Germany

streak [striːk] farbige Strähne, Streife

Sentence patterns related to "streak"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "streak" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "streak", or refer to the context using the word "streak" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Streak tube and streak device including same

2. Baby, there's no streak.

3. What's that white streak?

4. Len Birman, Actor: Silver Streak

5. You have a romantic streak.

6. Get rid of your perfectionist streak.

7. The streak of Anorthosite is white.

8. Wow, you're on a winning streak.

9. I've got a very stubborn streak .

10. He'sstill got a mean streak.

11. There's a nasty streak in her character.

12. There was a sadistic streak in him.

13. I used to have a romantic streak.

14. She has inherited her mother's stubborn streak.

15. He was on a winning streak tonight.

16. His record reveals a tough streak.

17. Witnesses reported seeing a red streak?

18. He's always had a rebellious streak .

19. Streak onto thiosulphate citrate bile salts agar (TCBS).

20. 23 There is a streak of sadism in his performance which leads us to expect an answering streak of masochism in Katherine.

21. There's a streak of masochism in his personality.

22. 3 There's a streak of masochism in his personality.

23. Streak UVM 2 onto selective agar plates.

24. He has always had a rebellious streak .

25. Stories of his mean streak were legion.

26. Streak positive MFB onto selective agar plates.

27. Good because it's not just the streak.

28. 14 Americans retain a strong prudish streak.

29. The team are on a winning streak .

30. She suddenly revealed a mean streak in her character.

31. Did you see that bird streak past the window?

32. Like all great survivors, she has a ruthless streak.

33. Streak a MHB blood agar plate as a bacterial lawn.

34. There's a streak of sadism in his nature.

35. A streak of lightning forked across the sky.

36. Planting the seeds for a winning streak, right?

37. 12 There is a streak of sadism in his performance which leads us to expect an answering streak of masochism in Katherine.

38. I'm surprised at the farcical streak in your nature, Alec.

39. 8 There is a streak of cruelty in his character.

40. The stubble is not a superstitious concession to the streak.

41. Rain had begun to streak the window-panes.

42. He has a streak of obstinacy in him.

43. This is the ribald streak I referred to.

44. His playoff streak is in peril this season.

45. A handsome woman, with a streak of sensuality.

46. Celtic are on a six-game winning streak.

47. Beyond! PlayStation Plus Is on a Hot Streak - Beyond Episode 690

48. The streak of Andesite is white whereas its fracture is uneven

49. Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.

50. He is known for his acerbic wit and his mean streak.