square meter in Germany

square meter [skwɛərmiːtər] Quadratmete

Sentence patterns related to "square meter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "square meter" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "square meter", or refer to the context using the word "square meter" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. square meter


2. number of persons per square meter

die Personenzahl pro Quadratmeter,

3. There are 0.00024711 Acres in a square meter

4. Wing loading is 120 kilos per square meter.

Die Belastung beträgt 120 kg pro Quadratmeter.

5. We're talking yield up to 430 grams per square meter.

Wir reden hier von einer Ernte von bis zu 430 Gramm pro Quadratmeter

6. The United Kingdom is consuming 1.25 watts per square meter.

Das Vereinigte Königreich verbraucht 1,25 Watt pro Quadratmeter.

7. Weber, Maxwell, Magnetic flux quantum, Tesla square meter, Gauss square centimeter, ...

Ampere pro Meter, Mikroampere pro Meter, Milliampere pro Meter, Oersted, Gilbert pro Meter, ...

8. They deliver about 5 watts per square meter of land area.

Sie liefern rund 5 Watt pro Quadratmeter Landfläche.

9. The basic unit of Area in the metric system is the square meter, which is a square that has 1 meter on each side: 1 square meter

10. 1 square meter is equal to 0.00029249259262509 Arpent, or 0.00024710538146717 acres.

11. Magnetic flux density, is the weber per square meter, or tesla.

Die magnetische Flussdichte ist die Weber pro Quadratmeter oder Tesla.odo desc xx.

12. The standard unit for luminance is candela per square meter (cd/m2).

Die Maßeinheit für die Leuchtdichte wird in Candela pro Quadratmeter (cd/m2) angegeben.

13. The average annual solar radiation is 955 kilowatt hours per square meter.

Die durchschnittliche jährliche Sonneneinstrahlung beträgt 955 Kilowattstunden pro Quadratmeter.

14. It says, materials for the sides of cost $6 per square meter.

Er sagt, Gusswerkstoffe für den Seiten 6 $ pro Quadratmeter.

15. So this base right here, the material costs $10 per square meter.

Diese Basis also hier, die Materialkosten $10 pro Quadratmeter.

16. Average maximum density of individuals in a flock was 0,1 birds per square meter.


17. Combed yarn and Carded yarn have great effect on gram per square meter (GSM)

18. So it's going to be $6 per square meter for those two sides, right?

Also geht es um $6 pro Quadratmeter für diejenigen beidseitig, richtig?

19. He has this little 10- square- meter store, where so much is being done.

In diesem kleinen 10m2- Laden spielt sich alles Mögliche ab.

20. Every square meter, which we defend, is part of the heart of our fatherland.

Jeder Quadratmeter, den wir jetzt verteidigen, ist ein Stück vom Herzen unserer Heimat.

21. - weight savings (a bi-layer windshield could save up to 2,5 kg per square meter),

- Gewichtseinsparungen (bis zu 2,5 kg/m2),

22. It hardly rains on Lanzarote the averige is 17,6 mm pro square meter a year!

Auf Lanzarote gibt es kaum Regen, gerade mal durchschnittlich 17,6 mm pro Quadratmeter im Jahr!

23. This translated into a density of up to 16 people per square meter in cars.

24. The key to compare energy efficiency in buildings is the heat consumption per square meter.

Der Energieverbrauch verschiedener Gebäude kann mit der Einheit Wärmebedarf pro kWh verglichen werden.

25. The total energy imbalance now is about six- tenths of a watt per square meter.

26. The newly renovated 2000 square meter food court looks no different than other dining areas.

27. The 90,000 square meter FunPark features PLAYMOBIL play worlds in life size and special adventure playgrounds!

28. We must learn to deal with people who invade our square meter instead of being stabbed.

Wir müssen lernen, mit Menschen, die Invasion unseres Quadratmeter anstatt gestochen.

29. Cabinet approved transfer of MMH Plants to Government of Karnataka along with 20,000 square meter land.

30. When translated into power density this roughly means levels of 2-10 W/square meter (m2).

In Leistungsdichte umgerechnet ergibt das 2 bis 10 W/m2.

31. With densities above 15 animals per square meter, aeration is often required to prevent oxygen depletion.

32. These carpets are characterized by their high knot density (1000-1400 per square meter), and subdued colours.

Charakteristisch für diese Teppiche sind ihre hohe Knotendichte (1000–1400/m2), und die gedämpften Farben.

33. The most important key figure in this context is kilowatt-hours per square meter per year (kWh/m2a).

Die wichtigste Kennzahl in diesem Zusammenhang ist Kilowattstunden pro Quadratmeter pro Jahr (kWh/m2a).

34. On p. 18 of the 2000 report, nine transactions are listed, including the price paid per square meter.

In dem Bericht von 2000 werden auf S. 18 neun Transaktionen aufgeführt, einschließlich der je Quadratmeter bezahlten Preise.

35. After clogging every square meter of city street, they cut road space through the most spectacular natural settings.

Nachdem jeder Quadratmeter Straße verstopft war, wurden Straßen durch die atemberaubendsten Naturlandschaften gezogen.

36. In 2008, LAM was relocated to a new 10,000 square meter facility in the Technopôle Chateau-Gombert in Marseille.

37. At 590 Grams per square meter, the Indigenous Boucle is a delightfully curly fabric with beautiful variation in texture

38. Up near the jet stream above New York, the wind power density can reach 16 kilowatts per square meter.

39. With an impressive weight of 900 grams per square meter, our Turkish Bath mat is ultra-absorbent and ultra-luxurious

40. The key characteristic of coreboard is its ability to resist delamination, which is measured in Joules per square meter (J/m

Das Schlüsselmerkmal von Hülsenkarton ist seine Fähigkeit, sich der Abblätterung zu widersetzen, die in Joules pro Quadratmeter gemessen wird (J/m

41. The key characteristic of coreboard is its ability to resist delamination, which is measured in Joules per square meter (J/m2).

Das Schlüsselmerkmal von Hülsenkarton ist seine Fähigkeit, sich der Abblätterung zu widersetzen, die in Joules pro Quadratmeter gemessen wird (J/m2).

42. You can view more details on each measurement unit: Arpent or acres The SI derived unit for area is the square meter

43. Carded yarn produces lower GSM (gram per square meter) fabric than combed yarn, while using the same count for both types of yarn

44. These grasslands contain many species of wild plants, including grasses, sedges, rushes, and herbs; 25 or more species per square meter is not unusual.

45. Biofuels do not benefit the climate nearly as much as wind or solar energy systems, yielding only one-tenth the energy per square meter.

46. The city of Brunsville (Iowa) has an average annual solar radiation value of 4.85 kilowatt hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day)

47. Example: When each square is 1 meter on a side, then the Area is 15 m 2 (15 square meters) Square Meter vs Meter Square

48. Properties in Celebration are priced as high as $9 million for a six-bedroom, 000-square-foot (743 square-meter) mansion on a three-quarter-acre lot, according to Realtor.com.

49. "Aerobraking will be reinitiated at 0.2 newtons per square meter (3/100,000ths of 1 pound per square inch), which is about one-third of the original Aerobraking level," Cunningham said

50. With 27-meter-long buoyancy anchors (a total of 250 kilometers) and 180 kilometers of inclined anchors, the foundation was anchored against the buoyant pressure of groundwater (200 kilonewtons per square meter).

Mit 27 Meter langen Auftriebsankern (insgesamt 250 Kilometer) und 180 Kilometer Schrägankern wurde die Sohle gegen den Auftriebsdruck des Grundwassers (200 Kilonewton pro Quadratmeter) verankert.