sputum in Germany

sputum [spjuːtəm] Sputum

Sentence patterns related to "sputum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sputum" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sputum", or refer to the context using the word "sputum" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Sputum

2. Three sputum specimens should be collected (or gastric aspirates in children too young to produce sputum).

3. CT, sputum, two venograms.

CT, Sputum und zwei Venograme.

4. She's coughing up white sputum.

5. During # sputum samples were examined

6. Device and method for inducing sputum

7. Method of early lung cancer detection via sputum induction and analysis of sputum to detect cancer associated substances

8. If this sputum specimen is AFB-negative on smear, two successive early morning sputum specimens should be obtained.

9. Sputum of chronic bronchitic patients was examined by rotoviscometry.

Sputum von Patienten mit chronischer Bronchitis wurde gesammelt und mit einem Rotationsviskosimeter untersucht.

10. Viable bacteria in the sputum of the source case.

11. Almost all experience fever, while around half have cough with sputum, and one-third cough up blood or bloody sputum.

12. 5. Collection of an induced sputum specimen 6.

13. Sputum dissolving suctioning solution for endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes

14. Product and process for liquefaction of mucus or sputum

15. • Increased sputum production, often with change in character from mucoid to purulent

16. Culture of sputum, pleural fluid and blood grewA. xylosoxidans.

Aus Kulturen von Sputum, Pleuraflüssigkeit und Blut wurdeA. xylosoxydans angezüchtet.

17. Serum and sputum concentrations of ampicillin or amoxycillin were measured in patients admitted to hospital for acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis with purulent sputum.

Serum und Sputumkonzentrationen von Ampicillin und Amoxycillin wurden bei Patienten gemessen, die wegen akuter Exazerbation einer chronischen Bronchitis mit purulentem Sputum ins Krankenhaus eingewiesen wurden.

18. The differentiated need for a microbiological sputum screening is emphasized.

Procalcitonin, Stellung genommen und auf den differenzierten Bedarf der mikrobiologischen Sputumaufbereitung hingewiesen.

19. He began to expectorate small amounts of blood - streaked sputum.

20. Retention of sputum is a serious complication following major abdominal or thoracic surgery.

Die Bronchialsekretretention stellt eine häufige Komplikation nach größeren abdominalchirurgischen und insbesondere thoraxchirurgischen Eingriffen dar.

21. Histamine injected in similar concentrations as that measured in the sputum causes bronchoconstriction.

Die Gabe gleicher Histamin-Konzentrationen intravenös verursacht Bronchokonstriktion.

22. In cases with negative sputum smears bronchoscopy should be performed.

Bei negativer Sputumdiagnostik ist eine bronchoskopische Abklärung indiziert.

23. A microbiological diagnosis from blood or sputum is difficult to establish.

Die Diagnose ist schwierig, da ein mikrobiologischer Nachweis aus Sputum oder Blut nur selten gelingt.

24. • Cough; initially dry, later productive of white, yellow or green sputum

25. Eosinophilic leukocytes are common in gonorrheal pus and in Asthmatic sputum

26. Positive sputum culture or non-quantitative LRT specimen culture (PN 4)

Positive Sputumkultur oder Atemwegssekret mit nicht-quantitativer Kultur (PN 4)

27. These DNA strands contribute considerably to the viscosity of CF sputum.

Bei deren Absterben werden große Mengen von Deoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA) freigesetzt, die wesentlich zur Viskosität des CF-Sputums beitragen.

28. These precautions should be maintained until three consecutive sputum smears are negative.

29. The ciprofloxacin concentration in the sputum consists of # % of the serum concentration

Die Ciprofloxacin-Konzentration im Sputum entspricht # % der Serumkonzentration

30. Permanent yellow or greenish sputum decoloration is suggestive of chronic bacterial colonization.

Haben die Patienten permanent gelbes oder grünliches Sputum, so spricht das für eine chronische Besiedlung mit Bakterien.

31. Red blood cells also accumulate, giving the sputum a characteristic “rusty” appearance.

Auch rote Blutkörperchen sammeln sich an, und dadurch erhält der Auswurf sein rostfarbenes Aussehen.

32. The tracheal aspirate provided a better basis for the bacteriological diagnosis than did sputum cultures.

Die transtracheale Aspiration bot eine bessere Grundlage für eine genaue ätiologische Diagnose als die Sputumuntersuchung.

33. A quantitative sputum culture is recommended for diagnosing chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease.

Für die Diagnostik wird eine quantitative Sputumkultur empfohlen.

34. Sputum expelled with air from your ice lung will come out frozen

Spucke, gemeinsam mit der Luft aus deiner Eislunge ausgestoßen... wird gefroren herauskommen

35. Office workers have less prevalence of cough and sputum production than industrial workers.

Die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Berufsgruppen waren jedoch sehr gering und lassen sich von anderen Einflüssen wie Alter und Rauchen nicht sicher abgrenzen.

36. First, our population was limited to patients with sputum-smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis.

37. The most common symptoms of Bronchiectasis include: a persistent cough that usually brings up phlegm (sputum)

38. Samples are obtained by the use of a specially-designed sputum collector or ’probang’.

Die Probenahme erfolgt mit einem speziell konzipierten Probang-Gerät.

39. If the test is positive ("sputum smear positive"), the case is considered highly infectious.

40. Evidence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) at microscopic examination of spontaneous or induced sputum

Mikroskopischer Nachweis von säurefesten Bazillen (AFB) aus spontanem oder induziertem Sputum

41. Bronchorrhea is the production of more than 100 mL per day of watery sputum.

42. For such patients, if facilities for culture are available, sputum cultures should be obtained.

43. Samples are obtained by the use of a specially-designed sputum collector or ‘probang’.

Proben werden mit einem speziell konzipierten Sputumschabelöffel oder „Probang“-Probengerät entnommen.

44. COUGH AND SPUTUM PRODUCTION – – – – – – – – Acute bronchitis Pneumonia Asthma TB COPD Bronchiectasis Lung abscess Lung cancer

45. Instant image availability reduces waiting time and speeds up sputum analysis and access to treatment.

46. Specimen Aspirate of buboes, blood, CSF, sputum, tracheal washes or autopsy materials for culture C

47. And MRI, sputum and ACE ruled out TB, sarcoidosis and lymphoma, which leaves us with...

Und das MRT, Sputum und ACE haben TB und Sarkoidoze und ein Lymphom ausgeschlossen, was nur noch...

48. This one's a specimen of his sputum, and here's one of the bullets Kleber recovered.

49. Today’s standard TB detection method, examining sputum under a microscope, was developed over a century ago.

50. I'm gonna want you to plant a PPD and induce a sputum to confirm the TB.