rotative in Germany

otative [routətiv] rotierend, turnusmäßig wechselnd

Sentence patterns related to "rotative"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rotative" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rotative", or refer to the context using the word "rotative" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Systems having rotative angle transmitters are prone to substantial inaccuracies due to wheel slip.

Systeme mit rotativen Winkelgebern sind wegen des Schlupfes der Räder mit erheblichen Ungenauigkeiten verbunden.

2. This combination enables the workpiece clamping plate (1) to be lifted, positioned at any angle, placed in the desired rotative or planar position, lowered down and braced, with the assemblies/workpieces on it.

Durch diese Kombination ist es möglich, die Werkstückaufnahmeplatte (1) mit den darauf angeordneten Baugruppen/Werkstücken anzuheben, allwinklig, rotativ und planar zu positionieren, abzusenken und zu verspannen.

3. 2 days ago · Rotative offset Commerciali Dimensione del mercato 2021 Statistiche globali, quota, fattori di crescita, tendenze del settore, strategie di concorrenza, analisi delle entrate, attori chiave, analisi regionale per previsione fino al 2027