reticule in Germany

eticule [retikjuːl] Gitternetz

Sentence patterns related to "reticule"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reticule" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reticule", or refer to the context using the word "reticule" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The black reticule sagged under the weight of shapeless objects.

2. The Coptic woman hesitated, then picked up the reticule and hurried after Mena.

3. The paper gives a method for designing a new kind of liquid crystal reticule.

4. The design of the symmetrical zero position reticule series is carried out on the basis.

5. As they stepped out into the sunshine Mena Iskander's reticule slipped and fell on the ground.

6. Prince Ippolit brought her reticule, moved to her side, and bending close over her chair, sat beside her.

7. The beginners should not access the deep end, and the shallow area reticule should not be overstepped by the swimmers with life buoys.

8. In addition to describing the structure of the reticule, the paper also proposes some appropriate ways for solving the key technology problems in its development.

9. He watched her open the reticule; he watched her count onto the desk twenty-five dollars in frayed bills and coins ranging down to nickels and dimes and pennies.

10. Ground combat is currently real-time and similar to a first-person shooter. The player must aim a targeting reticule at a target and left-click the mouse to fire.

11. He watched her open the reticule; he watched her count onto the desk twenty-five dollars in frayed bills and coins ranging down to nickels and dimes and pennies. (William Faulkner.