resupply in Germany

esupply [risəplai] neue Lieferung

Sentence patterns related to "resupply"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resupply" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resupply", or refer to the context using the word "resupply" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. So much for the Israelis stopping our resupply.

2. The first Cygnus resupply mission occurred in September 2013.

3. To harbor, resupply and enable the crew to rest are absolutely natural needs.

In einen Hafen einzulaufen, die Vorräte aufzufüllen, der Besatzung Erholung zu gewähren – das ist ein absolut normales Bedürfnis.

4. The oxygen extraction process may then become wholly independent of resupply from Earth.

5. She escorted resupply ships to the landing area the following week.

6. 4 During a routine docking maneuver to resupply, we collided with a cargo ship.

7. The US Navy acquired the CH-53E in small numbers for shipboard resupply.

8. Development of computer software to involve forecasting methodology for commodity stocking and resupply

Entwicklung von Computersoftware mit integrierter Prognosemethodik für die Warenbestandhaltung und -nachlieferung

9. Kinu continued to patrol from Makassar through June, with an occasional troop and resupply run to New Guinea.

10. On December 23, 2008, NASA awarded Commercial Resupply Services contracts to SpaceX and Orbital Sciences Corporation.

11. Troop/police contributors are not eligible to additional reimbursement for the transportation of resupply of self-sustainment items

12. While the Sixth Army was reinforced successfully, the US Fifth Air Force was able to devastate the Japanese attempts to resupply.

13. Airfields accommodate, repair and resupply air units, and allow the player to launch air strikes. Airfield size has many effects

14. She escorted resupply echelons to the landing area until 10 May when the transports were released by the 7th Fleet.

15. Eat a sleeve of Chews before training to prep muscles for action, or in the midst of competition to help resupply fuel levels.

16. An Airhead is two beachheads back to back with the reinforcements and resupply coming by air instead of by sea

17. When Darwin was threatened by Japanese forces, the sea routes—the Northern Territory capital's primary means of transportation and resupply—were cut off.

18. For the first five months the war played out in a naval campaign, as Chile struggled to establish a sea-based resupply corridor for its forces in the world's driest desert.

19. First, the two atria feed blood simultaneously into the ventricles, which two, contracting together, then pump blood out of the heart to the body systems, including the lungs for resupply of oxygen.

20. Out of stock Out of stock means that a product does not currently have any inventory available and does not have a date for resupply, while ‘Backordered’ implies there is a determined date for products to arrive.

21. China can help by stiffening the resolve of Pakistan’s military to move more aggressively to contain Taliban extremists on its territory; open border regions to help resupply NATO forces in Afghanistan; and invest in the country’s infrastructure.

China kann einen Beitrag leisten, indem man die Entschlossenheit des pakistanischen Militärs stärkt, aggressiver gegen Taliban-Extremisten auf seinem Territorium vorzugehen; indem es Grenzregionen öffnet, um zur Versorgung der NATO-Truppen in Afghanistan beizutragen und durch Investitionen in die Infrastruktur des Landes.

22. The hydrogen ions begin to accumulate inside the thylakoid “bag,” where they can be used by the plant, and the electrons are used to resupply the PSII complex, which is now ready to repeat the cycle many times per second.—See diagram 2.

23. Epinephrine Injector - 5 charges for 2,000 Apb$ Med Spray - 5 charges for 2,000 Apb$ Resupply Box - 5 charges for 2,000 Apb$ Satchel Charge - 5 charges for 2,000 Apb$ Boom Box - 10 charges for 2,000 Apb$ Changed how cooldowns work for deployables