restructured in Germany

estructured [ristrʌktʃəd] strukturierte neu, umstrukturiert

Sentence patterns related to "restructured"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "restructured" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "restructured", or refer to the context using the word "restructured" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Our economy must be restructured as soon as possible.

2. 10 Our economy must be restructured as soon as possible.

3. • Restructured the accounting system to meet the operational realities of the Institute.

4. Necessary approval on the restructured ISSNIP has also been obtained from Department of Expenditure.

5. In November 1989, central government restructured local authorities throughout New Zealand.

6. Eyelid Avulsions can be restructured by suturing with the help of a CT scan

7. Lawsuits in 2008, around virtually the same issues, resulted in a restructured tour.

8. Rucker restructured his contract to stay with the Panthers, then started his grueling rehab.

9. It underwent several changes until being restructured under the current ownership in August 1993.

10. Taking account of these comments, the information policy was restructured to make it more effective.

11. Rexx (Restructured Extended Executor) is an interpreted programming language developed at IBM by Mike Cowlishaw.

12. How can health services be restructured to meet the needs of ageing populations more appropriately?

13. Attain, LLC, a leading management, technology, and compliance consulting firm, announced that the company has restructured, separating …

14. Forward-thinking organisations have restructured themselves so that adherence to strict hierarchy and title is less significant.

15. Inefficient state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were restructured and unprofitable ones were closed outright, resulting in massive job losses.

16. In 2013, Ats restructured to become an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) company, which is uncommon within our business sector

17. The Airfield restructured its Upgrade Times for all levels in the Game Update of Dec 22, 2016

18. The Airfield restructured all Air Capacity Amounts for Levels 1 - 20 in the Game Update of Aug 23, 2017

19. HR services must be restructured to take on these new roles as agents of change and business partners.

20. Directly on the beach, restructured in 2009, peaceful zone, entirely air conditioned, wide panoramic terraces, elevator, solarium and private garage.

21. The texture evaluations of restructured meats are measured by texture profile analysis (TPA), expressible water percent, tensile strength and puncture test.

22. Two-roomed of mq 50 restructured in 90’s, composed of wide sitting room with angle baking, wc and balcony with wonderful lake sight.

Es handelt sich um eine in den 90ger Jahren renovierte 2-Zimmer-Wohnung von 50 mq, die einen Wohnraum mit Kochnische, ein Bad und Balkon mit hervorragendem Seeblick umfasst.

23. Maxwell's contract with Ajax was restructured to expire early, on 2 January 2006, in order to facilitate his move to Internazionale on a free transfer.

24. During the years it has been widened, restructured and renewed many times and now it offers 62 modern rooms, all air conditionned and equiped with all comforts.

25. He applies modern narrative theory to the texts and images to find messages encoded in them, and argues that those messages were systematically altered as the Bestiaries were expanded and restructured

26. The transformation of the ex-Soviet forces into the Armed Forces of Belarus, which was completed in 1997, reduced the number of its soldiers by 30,000 and restructured its leadership and military formations.

27. The realistic appearance of Andreas Gursky's final images-the elements of which are Adeptly reduced and digitally restructured-also allow for conceptual interpretation; they are always based on the interplay between accurate reproduction and abstraction

28. These often apparently utilize Androidal forms, temporary energy forms, forms constructed from restructured physical matter, or even physical 'shells' constructed in forms similar to grays, humans or other configurations - Branton) "HAIRY DWARF'S: Four feet tall, 35 lbs

29. Camber Energy (formerly Lucas Energy) is a recently restructured, publicly-traded energy company, with a balanced asset base in Texas and Oklahoma, that is actively engaged in the exploitation, development, and production of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids.

30. These often apparently utilize Androidal forms, temporary energy forms, forms constructed from restructured physical matter, or even physical 'shells' constructed in forms similar to grays, humans or other configurations - Branton) "HAIRY DWARF'S: Four feet tall, 35 lbs

31. India has a vested interest that the international financial system should be restructured, it should be well managed because that would mean accelerated growth in our country, that would mean our ability to create jobs for our people will improve.

32. Should the company behind Bownty be restructured, bought, or handed-over and still be providing the same type of services, in the same name or on in a different name, your email-address will continue to be subscribed, until you state otherwise unsubscribing

33. Should the company Bownty Nova ApS, Lautruphoj 5-7, 2750 Ballerup, Danimarca be restructured, bought, or handed-over and still be providing the same type of services, in the same name or on in a different name, your email-address will continue to be subscribed, until you state otherwise unsubscribing

34. Should the company Bownty Nova ApS, Lautruphoj 5-7, 2750 Ballerup, Danemark be restructured, bought, or handed-over and still be providing the same type of services, in the same name or on in a different name, your email-address will continue to be subscribed, until you …

35. Should the company Bownty Nova ApS, Lautruphoj 5-7, 2750 Ballerup, Dinamarca be restructured, bought, or handed-over and still be providing the same type of services, in the same name or on in a different name, your email-address will continue to be subscribed, until you state otherwise unsubscribing

36. Should the company Bownty Nova ApS, Lautruphøj 5-7, 2750 Ballerup, Dänemark be restructured, bought, or handed-over and still be providing the same type of services, in the same name or on in a different name, your email-address will continue to be subscribed, until you state otherwise unsubscribing

37. From the door to pointed arc of the courtyard of the palace (today center of the Common one) approaches to old place of prayer of the Templari, recently restructured, that it has an intelligence agency, of an extension of synthesis of the values acclimatizes them and cultural of the National Park of the Circeo and one television window on the territory.

Von der Tür zu spitzem Bogen des Hofes des Palastes (heute Mitte vom allgemeinen) nähert sich zum alten Ort des Gebets des Templari, vor kurzem umstrukturiert, daß es einen Nachrichtendienst hat, von einer Verlängerung der Synthese der Werte akklimatisiert sie und kulturell vom Nationalpark des Circeo und eines Fernsehenfensters auf der Gegend.

38. EDF's balance sheet was to be restructured with the two-fold aim of strengthening its net assets and stabilising its financial relationship with the state on a basis more akin to ordinary law. To this end the Government undertook to present to Parliament a legislative measure restructuring EDF's balance sheet in 1997, with an effective restructuring date of 1 January 1997.

die Bilanz von EDF musste umstrukturiert werden, mit dem doppelten Ziel, die Nettoergebnisse des Unternehmens zu stärken und die finanzielle Beziehung zu dem Staat auf dem allgemeinen Recht näheren Grundlagen zu stabilisieren; die Regierung verpflichtete sich, dem Parlament eine gesetzgeberische Maßnahme zur Umstrukturierung der Bilanz von EDF im Jahr 1997 zu unterbreiten, mit einem Datum des Inkrafttretens der Umstrukturierung zum 1.

39. This document contains proposed amendments to Part 2 of the restructured RID/ADR for harmonization with the 12th revised edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, on the basis of the decisions of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its twenty-first session, (Geneva, 4-13 December 2000) (See ST/SG/AC.10/27 and addenda 1 and 2).