resolute in Germany

esolute [rezəluːt] entschlosse

Sentence patterns related to "resolute"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resolute" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resolute", or refer to the context using the word "resolute" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Resolute twins.

2. This situation requires our resolute action.

3. He is talented, and venturesome, and resolute.

4. He was always faithful and resolute.

5. I remained resolute in my refusal.

6. The Bootblack proved both pugnacious and resolute

7. The Egyptians offered resolute resistance to the aggressors.

8. She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologise.

9. The faces hold you: guarded, apprehensive, expectant, confident, resolute.

10. 20 min: Youths Who Are Resolute yet Respectful.

11. Then be resolute in sticking to that decision.

12. Tough policies and resolute leadership always create enemies.

13. 6 She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologise.

14. The Bouvier is an equable dog, steady, resolute and fearless.

15. Resolute but respectful, three Hebrews chose to please God

16. 27 She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologise.

17. Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.

18. The faces hold you: guarded, apprehensive, expectant, confident,( resolute.

19. Title track from the second Release on reSolute Label - Bummalo EPA1

20. Hitler's early'successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.

21. He became even more resolute in his opposition to the plan.

22. Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome.

23. Icebreaker Louis Saint Laurent in Resolute Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada.

24. But against a resolute Portadown defence they were getting little change.

25. 8 Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.

26. This can be limited and even stopped by resolute political action.

27. She remained resolute in her belief that the situation would improve.

28. Gene Therapy Makes BioViva CEO Elizabeth Parrish Younger, Blunter, and Resolute

29. 11 Highbrow publishers and small bookshops are the most resolute opponents.

30. In the face of resolute opposition, the bill was withdrawn in November.

31. The players stood resolute in the hope of having their former agreement renewed.

32. Without more resolute global action, climate change is unlikely to be curtailed.

Ohne ein entschlosseneres weltweites Handeln dürfte sich der Klimawandel kaum eindämmen lassen.

33. 78 synonyms for Brave: courageous, daring, bold, heroic, adventurous, gritty, fearless, resolute, gallant

34. The Russian masses, however, were resolute to end the war. At any cost.

35. This resolute action is absolutely necessary to avoid coming under the Devil’s control.

Diese entschiedene Handlungsweise ist unbedingt erforderlich, wenn wir es vermeiden wollen, unter den Einfluß des Teufels zu kommen.

36. Strenuous, strong, determined, earnest, active, intensive, energetic, resolute You must make a Concerted …

37. Antonyms for Assentive include rigid, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent, adamant, determined, implacable, relentless, resolute and stringent

38. A resolute, well-reasoned answer may help him to respect your Bible-based position.

39. 17 Mussolini would never have dared to come to grips with a resolute British Government.

40. It is rooted in an understanding of doctrine and a resolute determination to follow it.

41. I know for a fact that the plank is no longer in the Resolute desk.

42. It was built by the timber of Her Majesty's Ship Resolute and given by Queen Victoria.

43. His face is young, strong, resolute in profile: which is probably the way she saw it.

44. Midwesterners are straightforward and unpretentious, with a reputation as resolute individualists who can be somewhat hardheaded.

45. Should there be excessive fluctuations in exchange markets , then we need to take resolute actions .

46. Despite pressure from their peers and threats from the king, these young men remain resolute.

47. What made Reagan extraordinary, beyond his communicative skills, was his resolute adherence to core beliefs.

48. The policy of compromise and concessions is the diametrical opposite of the policy of resolute armed resistance.

49. Despite critical letters from their families and harrowing interviews with different social workers, they remain resolute.

50. Resolute Of late they have simply become too predictable when seeking the back of the net.