resided in Germany

esided [rizaidid] angesiedelt, gehaust, hauste

Sentence patterns related to "resided"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resided" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resided", or refer to the context using the word "resided" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Brinke who resided in Louisville, Kentucky

2. The Arcadians resided in the central Peloponessus

3. The Arcadians resided in the central Peloponessus

4. Audio animatronics were androids that resided in Tomorrowland

5. They resided near the hill of Katan in Nejd.

6. Clothier resided at Ballytore until his death in 1921

7. She was an Abbess who resided in a nunnery inMercia

8. His superior, the Roman governor of Judea, resided in Caesarea.

9. Political power resided with the nation's elder statesman and party leader.

10. Boyar, born in San Francisco, resided in Los Angeles from 1934

11. The Brutish Demon2 was a demon who resided in the Demonic Market

12. 2 Finally I resided in warm, and your lissom in this season.

13. She could be traveling with John Link, who last resided in Indio.

14. The power of the Court resided in the Community pillar (the first pillar).

15. During reconstructions, emperors and some of the office functions resided outside the palace.

16. George Sr. worked at the town's sawmill, and the family resided in company housing.

17. The actual Andrewsarchus that lived in the Eoceone Era resided in the plains of Eurasia

18. From 1540 to 1542 he appears to have resided in Paris, studying the maritime sciences.

19. The Cretans were a peoples who resided in Crete, the largest of the Aegean Sea islands

20. A chief instigator was Caesar Galerius, who resided in Thessalonica and adorned it with magnificent buildings.

21. These were the areas in which resided the Carpi, often referred to as the Free Dacians.

22. Each day such Bawdy place is kept, resided in, or visited shall constitute a separate offense.

23. By faith Abraham “resided as an alien in the land of promise as in a foreign land.”

24. They had three children and resided at the Evergreens, which stood adjacent to the Dickinson Homestead.

25. In September 2004, he stepped down from his position as Peru's Ambassador to France, where he formerly resided.

26. After Jehovah called him from Ur, he resided in Haran and then moved to the Promised Land.

27. The army of Pegu at length Besieged the city of odia, in which the king of Siam resided

28. 22 I still officially resided in four tiny rooms on the first floor of a West Village tenement.

29. Developer Andrew Gaffney, known to us as agaffney, has resided in Missouri for most of his life.

Entwickler Andrew Gaffney, auch bekannt als agaffney, lebte gröstenteils in Missouri.

30. They are distinguished from the native Tamil population that has resided in Sri Lanka since ancient times.

31. I still officially resided in four tiny rooms on the first floor of a West Village tenement.

32. In some regions the farmers believed that a spirit resided in the last sheaf of grain to be harvested.

33. Alawite frustration, which has long resided under the surface, is finding its voice as tensions reach boiling point

34. Conk was a caveman who resided in primitive Danville.He later became frozen inside Danville Glacier around 29,000 years ago.

35. Yocasta Brens has resided in the Township of Union for the past 16 years alongside her husband, Winston W

36. Celebrating 400 years this year, this remarkable family have resided at the romantic and inspirational setting of Birr Castle

37. She resided in a castle made of ice and snow, and her legions were huge snowflakes come to life.

38. After the breakup the parents were awarded joint custody and Tom resided for part of the week with each.

39. Latium was originally a small triangle of fertile, volcanic soil on which resided the tribe of the Latins or Latians.

40. The Spanish surname Arces is of toponymic origin, deriving from a place where the initial bearer once resided or held land

41. • Nine years ago, approximately 40% of the nation's discouraged workers resided in Quebec and another 21% in the Atlantic region.

42. Bogel is a mischievous and bumbling ghost who originally resided in a temple amidst the Himalayas, along with his companion Weerd

43. The Anglo-Saxon name Bargy comes from when the family resided in the parish of Berkeley in the county of Gloucestershire

44. The Raja resided in the town of Miraj (population 18,425 in 1901), which was a junction on the Southern Maratha Railway.

45. Boudicca (spelled in a variety of ways) was the legendary queen of the Iceni, a Celtic tribe that resided in Britain

46. (Proverbs 8:31) Later, when he came to earth and actually “resided among” humans, his view of mankind did not change.

47. In 1897-1902, Kots resided in Paris, where he graduated from a mining institute and established contact with the revolutionary emigres.

48. Blowhard (ハリケーン・ハット, Hurricane Hat in Japanese) was the boss of the Magic Crafters Homeworld, who resided in the realm named after him.

49. Texas authority has found a document indicating marriages between one man and more than 20 wives who resided at a polygamist compound.

50. The Jews then resided close to the citadel of Burgos, while in the 12 th century they moved to the fortified enclosure of the castle