it's all over. in Germany

It's all over. [itzlouvər] Es ist zu Ende.

Sentence patterns related to "its all over."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "its all over." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "its all over.", or refer to the context using the word "its all over." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. It's all over now.

2. It's all over the news.

3. It's all over the internet.

4. It's all over the local news.

5. It's all over. Think about it.

6. We both had, but it's all over.

7. A missed kick, and it's all over.

8. It's all over, isn't it, John T.?

9. It's all over as far as I'm concerned.

10. If those nanomites hit the ground, it's all over.

11. It's all over your face like a pinched lemon!

12. Look at the ventilation system, it's all over the city.

13. When it's all over you come to collect the pieces.

14. It's all over. There's nothing to be afraid of now.

15. And when it's all over she gets a rest on a comfortable pillow

16. You know, it's all over town that you've been giving money to Violet Bick.

17. Eddie Clayton and Frank Lennie ar gufy and argufy and when it's all over they go out still Argufying

18. Blastfame, Category: Artist, Albums: Abstract Evolution (Deluxe Edition), Top Tracks: Revenge, Alone With My Shadow, Heartbeat, It's All Over Now, Major Blood

19. When switching to Crazed, a message will appear on the screen that says IT'S ALL OVER NOW! Crazed's primary color and GUI alternate between blue and black at random

20. See: all over Bar the shouting all over but the shouting Bar from (something or some place) Bar from some place Bar none Bar off Bar out Bar sinister Bar star Bar up Barfly be all over Bar the shouting be put behind Bars behind Bars belly up to the Bar call to the Bar everything but/Bar the kitchen sink it's all over Bar the shouting Katie Bar the door