humbling in Germany

humbling [hʌmbliŋ] demütigend

Sentence patterns related to "humbling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "humbling" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "humbling", or refer to the context using the word "humbling" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Golf is a humbling game.

2. He dreamed of humbling his opponent.

3. Prime Minister your prescience is humbling!

4. Repentance indeed is humbling—but not frightening.

5. Instead, I had a very humbling experience.

6. So, humbling as it was, I began again.

7. This was a very humbling time for him.

8. Giving up an addiction is a humbling experience.

9. It will be a humbling experience all round.

10. Michael’s scandal a humbling experience for Basilian Fathers

11. The sheer size of the icebergs is humbling.

12. A certain humbling from time to time is good.

13. The truth is incredibly humbling and humiliating to face.

14. What humbling and thrilling experiences, all at the same time!

15. It was also a very humbling time for his parents.

16. RYZ's Langstaff acknowledges that giving consumers control is humbling - and risky.

17. His excruciating pains of confinement make mine pale into humbling insignificance.

18. Thus, the pursuit of knowledge is in a nutshell, a humbling experience.

19. Simply living life can be and often is a humbling experience.

20. What does Abasement mean? The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low

21. Thank you, Mr President, for the most humbling honor of my life.

22. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character - buildingexperience.

23. Listening to those criticisms has taught me a salutary and humbling lesson.

24. Nixon was able to humbling of the dollar as a political victory.

25. The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.

26. Doing this keeps our sinfulness before us and ought to have a humbling effect.

27. To descend into Olduvai Gorge - back two million years in time - is humbling.

28. It is inspiring and humbling to be around these great saints of God.

29. To get an Anointment from a guy of that magnitude was quite humbling

30. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character building experience

31. * Let him that is ignorant learn wisdom by humbling himself, D&C 136:32.

32. It is humbling to think of old women as major evangelists of the nation!

33. Isn't that both wonderful and humbling? What a complete redemption God has planned for us.

34. Antonyms for Canonizing include abasing, degrading, demeaning, humbling, humiliating, condemning, dishonouring, dishonoring, hating and lowering

35. Antonyms for Aggrandizing include abasing, degrading, demeaning, humbling, humiliating, abridging, belittling, censuring, condemning and condensing

36. Synonyms for Abasing include degrading, demeaning, debasing, humbling, humiliating, lowering, disgracing, reducing, belittling and cheapening

37. Abasement: The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low; a state of depression, degradation, or humiliation.

38. It is a humbling to witness how poor people are willing to share everything they have.

39. The formal ones include honorific deferential , and humbling terms, all of them generally universal and systematic.

40. Most humbling, it was only a step short of the all - time shortest algorithm engineered by humans.

41. It's a humbling experience to see people being so positive about life when they have so little.

42. He was an eyewitness when Jehovah fulfilled His word by humbling Assyria and its boastful king, Sennacherib.

43. My dear Ralph, do you not find it humbling to realize... that when this play was first performed...

44. Despite his humbling defeat for the governorship of California in 19 the latter had made a remarkable comeback.

45. I also sensed Comradeship with people back home through the humbling messages of support beforehand, and of congratulation afterwards.

46. ‘Humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God’ will bring true exaltation. —1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 1 Peter 5:6.

47. The Proud Will Be Abased Humbling Oneself Being Humble humbleness Humble Yourself humble Humility And Pride Pride, Evil Of Ambition, negative aspects of

48. Shortlisted for the German book prize, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".

49. Abasement (countable and uncountable, plural Abasements) The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low. [Mid 16th century.] The state of being abased or humbled; humiliation.

50. “It is a humbling experience to come here and spend time listening to instruction,” Brother Swingle said, adding: “You go away from here much better equipped to magnify Jehovah.”

„Es macht demütig, hierherzukommen und Zeit damit zu verbringen, Unterweisung aufzunehmen“, sagte Bruder Swingle und fügte hinzu: „Nun, da ihr diesen Ort verlaßt, seid ihr viel besser ausgerüstet, Jehova zu verherrlichen.“