he didn't seem to be quite all here. in Germany

He didn't seem to be quite all here. [hdidntsiːmtoubkwaitlher] Er schien nicht ganz bei Sinnen zu sein.

Sentence patterns related to "he didnt seem to be quite all here."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "he didnt seem to be quite all here." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "he didnt seem to be quite all here.", or refer to the context using the word "he didnt seem to be quite all here." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He certainly didn't seem to be a fool.

2. Out here, death didn't seem natural.

3. He didn't seem to mind that or anything.

4. Georgia Certainly didn't seem to be a fool

5. He didn't seem to notice the delectable Miss Campbell.

6. He didn't seem to care at all that the wet shirt was clinging to his body.

7. Her father didn't seem at all surprised.

8. Okay, the computers... they all seem to be here... and accounted for.

9. What Astonished me was that he didn't seem to mind.

10. He didn't seem to mind public opinion in the least.

11. He didn't seem to follow in the family footsteps however.

12. ‘You seem to hate her, Anyways, so I don't get why you had to put her up here, of all places.’ ‘I didn't really mind sitting alone and lunch is almost like a study hall to me Anyways.’ ‘Adam didn't seem to be listening, he had a dazed look on his face, but he nodded Anyways.’

13. ‘You seem to hate her, Anyways, so I don't get why you had to put her up here, of all places.’ ‘I didn't really mind sitting alone and lunch is almost like a study hall to me Anyways.’ ‘Adam didn't seem to be listening, he had a dazed look on his face, but he nodded Anyways.’

14. There didn't seem to be anything else to warp or curve.

15. All the merry wizards and Aediles behind the bar seem happy to be here

16. 2 He didn't seem to miss the gadgets and gizmos, though.

17. 'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly , but the damage has been done.'

18. 11 This year's intake seems/seem to be quite bright.

19. It didn't seem worthwhile writing it all out again.

20. He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was.

21. The oddity of the situation didn't seem to bother her at all.

22. Moretti didn't have the stones to be here.

23. He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety.

24. The morphine didn't seem to help .

25. The figures didn't seem to tally.