going down in Germany

going down [gouiŋdaun] hinabgehend

Sentence patterns related to "going down"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "going down" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "going down", or refer to the context using the word "going down" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I'm going down now.

2. This tire is going down.

3. He's going down this round.

4. Elevator going down to one.

5. Going down on me disgusted him.

6. We gotta move, it's going down!

7. You're going down to the reservation.

8. Get going down the back stairs.

9. 11 The neighborhood is going down.

10. We're going down to the accelerator ring.

11. The power's going down in 25 seconds.

12. Going down the mine was the triumph.

13. And now, you're going down with him.

14. The numbers of needy aren't going down.

15. That's why this country's going down the drain!

16. I thought the whole place was going down.

17. They were responsible for that plane going down.

18. Whole, like those going down to the pit.

19. The country was going down the tubes economically.

20. Are those talks still going down to the wire?

21. There is a buy going down, just not till tomorrow.

22. I will become like those going down to the pit.

23. Why did he insist on going down there with you?

24. I never gave up anybody who wasn't going down anyway.

25. It was slow going. down the waterway in the Johnboat.

26. 22 We used to make a detour going down Lenin Avenue.

27. At sunset, the sun looks as if it is going down.

28. If he were home, he'd be going down for his nap.

29. She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.

30. You'll be going down the track in a couple of weeks.

31. I am going down to make it hot for that upstart!

32. Balled out wasted and I feel I'm going down Balled out wasted and I feel I'm going down Good bye darling, I've been good 'til now I went walking

33. And tell Lip that ice cubes are going down his shirt next.

34. 25 She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.

35. A priest going down that road went by on the opposite side.

36. At the same time, the rate of abducting foreigners is going down.

37. There's a lot of flu about people are going down like ninepins.

38. There were some steps going down to the foreshore near a riverside pub.

39. And she would die in the bathtub, her blood going down the drain.

40. They were aware that their public image was rapidly going down the drain.

41. 23 That's the stocky figure of Malachi Horan going down the hill now.

42. He hadn't kept track, but he thought he had sensed Jitters going down.

43. 26 In the morning she was sneezing, and going down town made it worse.

44. Higher, so you get the two-level effect, a path going down the middle.

45. If the police or the Russians get to the girl first, you're going down.

46. He has bicycle brake cables going down to the head control in his hand.

47. The peace dividend has not materialised despite military spending going down in most countries.

48. When a man is going down-hill, everyone will give him a push. 

49. How are you meant to live your life with this sort of shit going down?

50. 1979, “Rapper's Delight”, performed by Sugarhill Gang: I'm going down in history / As the Baddest …