gods in Germany

gods [gɔdz] Götte

Sentence patterns related to "gods"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gods" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gods", or refer to the context using the word "gods" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Adscriptitious Gods, Demi-Gods and Heroes

2. The Egyptian gods are the only true gods.

3. 26 All the gods of the peoples are worthless gods,+

4. Thank the gods.

5. Gods, you're dull.

6. Antiochus IV forsook the Syrian gods in order to worship the Greek gods

7. The gods favor him.

8. Oh, thank the Gods.

9. What Gods are those?

10. Gods protect you, brother.

11. A lot of societies have imperfect deities: jealous gods, lustful gods, prankish gods, and the worshipers say, look, they are just like us.

12. By all the gods!

13. Oh, gods, you did.

14. And all the gods!

15. By the seven New Gods and the Old Gods beyond counting, I swear it.

16. The Gods have forsaken us.

17. For all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods.” —1 Chronicles 16:25, 26.

18. 4 Do not turn to worthless gods+ or make for yourselves gods of cast metal.

19. Offer wine to the Gods

20. The people worshipped pagan gods.

21. It's what the gods want.

22. Thank the gods you're safe.

23. Do not ask about their gods, saying, ‘How were these nations accustomed to serve their gods?

24. The Seven Gods of Chaos!

25. May the gods keep you.

26. A signal from the gods!

27. They are mocking the gods.

28. Apsaras are known to seduce men and gods and dance in the halls of the gods

29. The two gods summoned the other gods, and together they decided to make man from wood.

30. Below you will find a list of the gods and goddesses that are listed among the Aesir.Aesir gods and goddesses:Odin / Wotan - King of all the Norse gods and goddesses

31. May the gods be with you.

32. The Gaulish and Brythonic Celtic Gods

33. " Hail to the Gods of America. "

34. Praise the gods for his return.

35. Jehovah is far above nationalistic gods.

36. * Those wall carvings represented false gods.

37. Only the gods divine the future.

38. The gods will have their vengeance.

39. As many gods as cities (13)

40. We are gods in the chrysalis.

41. Aeaean Amphora Vodka Of The Gods

42. Hail to the Gods of America!

43. May the gods shrivel your cock.

44. offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods.

45. propitiate the gods with a sacrifice.

46. The Gods of the Copybook Headings

47. People everywhere were worshipping pagan gods.

48. We offer you these false gods.

49. "Hail to the Gods of America."

50. The old gods are answering you.