garrisons in Germany

garrisons [gærisnz] Besatzungen, Garnisone

Sentence patterns related to "garrisons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "garrisons" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "garrisons", or refer to the context using the word "garrisons" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

2. A number of Roman garrisons are still standing today.

3. Our garrisons are patrolling the roads and searching every town.

4. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.

5. Among edgy garrisons, with military pride an ingredient, something to be squashed immediately.

6. Use a Black Hand to garrisons, and take it for yourself.

7. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and take it for yourself.

8. Use a Black Hand to clear out garrisons, and then take it for yourself.

9. At other times, they waged an incessant guerrilla war, attacking isolated Roman garrisons, ambushing caravans, cutting supply routes.

10. Grenadier Squad - This will create an anti-structure grenade launcher on your MARV that has the ability to clear garrisons.

11. In quick succession, Cleomenes cleared the cities of Arcadia of their Achaean garrisons, before crushing another Achaean force at Dyme.

12. Philip also made peace with the other combatants; Corinth and Chalcis, which controlled important strategic locations both received Macedonian garrisons.

13. Business people no longer believed that gunboats and garrisons were vital for the protection and promotion of their activities.

14. The German 3rd army did not pursue the French but remained in Alsace and moved slowly south, attacking and destroying the French garrisons in the vicinity.

15. 24 The authorities began to make the necessary arrangements for taking over the garrisons, which were still in the hands of the enemy.

16. Cannily, Britain retained a number of important treaty concessions aimed at securing access to Iraq's rich oilfields and allowing the right to maintain certain garrisons

17. Said bin Sultan of Muscat capitalised on this opportunity and raided the Wahhabi garrisons on the eastern coast, setting fire to the fort in Zubarah.

18. This became known as Sloboda Ukraine, and initial forts, such as Kursk, Voronezh and Kharkiv were founded and settled by Ukrainian peasants that served the garrisons stationed there.

19. Officers with important military commands and in control of garrisons and castles were also known as Constables—e.g., the Constables of Windsor, Dover, Caernarvon (Caernarfon), Conway, Harlech, …

20. Pressed men were militarily unreliable; regiments with large numbers of such men were deployed to garrisons such as Gibraltar or the West Indies, purely to increase the difficulty in successfully deserting.

21. The Garrisons of the city, the walls, built from limestone and brick are walls of Constantinople are stone walls juxtaposed to protect the city of Constantinople, today known as Instanbul

22. Alexander’s war in Bactria and Sogdiana (and beyond to a lesser extent) was essentially of his own making with the satrapies erupting in revolt when he disrupted their societies and deported populations to his newly founded cities and imposed military garrisons

23. Almoravids, Arabic al-Murābiṭūn (“those dwelling in frontier garrisons”), confederation of Berber tribes—Lamtūnah, Gudālah, Massūfah—of the Ṣanhājah clan, whose religious zeal and military enterprise built an empire in northwestern Africa and Muslim Spain in the 11th and 12th centuries.

24. ‘The Anopheles mosquito, carrying the scourge of malaria, was the unwitting executioner of thousands of European soldiers sent to garrisons in the West Indies, Africa, or India.’ ‘Malaria is generally a tropical disease transmitted by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito.’

25. Screened by the darkness, the fire of the small garrisons of these Blockhouses was neither sufficiently powerful nor accurate to stop the majority of the enemy from breaking through, even though stopped by the entanglements and compelled to use a single gap.

26. Being the first standard Foot Archers, Bowmen are the most adequate when fending off an Ancient Age rush, for they have the longest range, are strong against Heavy Infantry, and make excellent garrisons, as Foot Archers in general increase a building's garrison power more than other unit types

27. There exist 3 tiers of Bunkers; the first is dug with a Shovel, the second is upgraded via Basic Materials and the third tier costs Concrete Materials and a significant amount of time to cure.They can be upgraded with add-ons or converted to other types of structures like garrisons.