further on in Germany

further on [fəːðərwʌn] weiterhi

Sentence patterns related to "further on"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "further on" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "further on", or refer to the context using the word "further on" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 8 A few yards further on they disinterred Wilkinson.

2. 24 This lane rejoins the main road further on.

3. 25 They hit the main road two kilometres further on.

4. 19 We hit the main road two kilometres further on.

5. 25 There is no need to digress further on the sensuous plane.

6. Further on you can disable that your client shows the euIRC status prefixes !

Man kann verhindern, dass in der Userliste eines Clients die Zeichen !

7. Further on there are several tools and services for users, dataBase and repository managers

8. It is discussed in depth further on in this section and should be studied.

9. The new programme cycle will build further on UNDP work to improve access to justice.

10. Building further on the ancient Mayan civilizations, the Aztecans subjugated groups and created on ruling religion

11. Antedonin, which will be described for purposes of comparison further on, and that no chlorophyll is present

12. Welcome to Lordz Conquest, the new MMO strategy .io game, pushing further on the original Lordz.io concept

13. Contemporary traditional astrologers like John Frawley or J Lee Lehman explain further on the concept of Essential Dignity.

14. 25 Further on down, near to the city,(www.Sentencedict.com) a single felucca was gliding gracefully in towards the bank.

15. On 4 May 2009 Clapton appeared at the Royal Albert Hall, playing "Further on Up the Road" with Joe Bonamassa.

16. To act otherwise would jeopardize the government’s ability to borrow further on financial markets or to roll over existing debt.

17. A small number of patients were not contacted further on the advice of their general practitioner, usually because of concurrent malignant disease.

18. A lower weight and better aerodynamic performance will ensure that the car uses less power and can thus travel further on one charge.

Das geringere Gewicht und die bessere aerodynamische Leistung sollen gewährleisten, dass das Auto weniger Strom verbraucht und somit eine weitere Strecke mit einer Ladung zurücklegen kann.

19. The European Union's new top justice official on Tuesday accused Poland and Hungary of Backsliding further on democratic standards as the bloc's ministers met to encourage them to adhere to the

20. Actinomycetes belonging to this cell wall type are further classified on the basis of presence or absence of mycolic acids and further on the basis of molecular weights of the mycolates

21. It urged the Transitional Authority to build further on efforts of the Interim Administration to promote the welfare and interests of Afghan women and children and to provide education to boys and girls

22. Further, on February 22, 1994, the Kobe Bar Association, declaring that the school’s actions infringed upon Kunihito’s freedom of worship and his right to receive an education, recommended that the school reinstate him.

23. Urges also the Transitional Authority to build further on efforts of the Interim Administration to promote the welfare and interests of Afghan women and children and to provide education to boys and girls;

fordert die Übergangsverwaltung außerdem nachdrücklich auf, weiter an die Anstrengungen der Interimsregierung anzuknüpfen, das Wohl und die Interessen der afghanischen Frauen und Kinder zu fördern und Bildungsangebote für Jungen und Mädchen bereitzustellen;

24. Urges also the Transitional Authority to build further on efforts of the Interim Administration to promote the welfare and interests of Afghan women and children and to provide education to boys and girls

fordert die Übergangsverwaltung außerdem nachdrücklich auf, weiter an die Anstrengungen der Interimsregierung anzuknüpfen, das Wohl und die Interessen der afghanischen Frauen und Kinder zu fördern und Bildungsangebote für Jungen und Mädchen bereitzustellen

25. After further modification and improvement of the report (if any), the two sides will discuss further on cooperation and research on project implementation, including design consulting, building construction and project financing so as to promote cooperation and achieve concrete results.

26. Further on there is discussed the acute paralysis of the stomach respectively the enteromegal syndrom following central innervation disorders or spinal irritation height d8–d12 and 11–12 in hematomyelia, vertebral caries and-fracture, kyphoscoliosis, poliomyelitis anterior or as the viscero-visceral reflex.

27. Dihedral is where the wing slopes in a positive (upward) degree in relation to the wing base, whereas Anhedral wings have a negative (downward) slope from the wing base. Let’s explore a little further on why designers chose one over the other.

28. HEemoglobin, of carminic acid, of turacin, and of Antedonin, etc.; but a closer inspection reveals differences between the spectrum of Spongioporphyrin and that o£ any known animal or vegetable pigment, and, as will be seen further on, the wave-length measurements of the absorptive bands of the solutions of this pigment, and the chemical chai

29. The studio execs Bastardized your beloved green spirit and turned him into a pop culture punchline.: Le studio a corrompu votre bien-aimé "green spirit" Et l'a tourné en un élément de la culture populaire.: Further on in the article, many of the rural route couriers talk about the tendering process and how it has been Bastardized.: En outre, bon nombre d'entrepreneurs postaux des régions