further development in Germany

further development [fəːðərdiveləpmənt] Weiterentwicklung

Sentence patterns related to "further development"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "further development" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "further development", or refer to the context using the word "further development" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Planning and further development of aerating systems

Planung und Weiterentwicklung von Belüftungssystemen

2. It is a further development of analytical Cubism.

3. That sale precludes further development on this site.

4. Applying a further development of the SIPI test, the D

5. • The provincial information system needs further development to support program

6. 6 A factory must try to diversify for further development.

7. The completion of the railroad in 1841 led to further development.

8. Transtab A further development of Transpower, incorporating an elongated stability element.

9. Further development of assessment projects concerning implementation costs of abatement technologies;

10. Further development of the domestic private sector will also require innovation.

11. A long history of success may pave the way for further development.

12. Zortrax shipped 3D printers to all backers and invested money in further development.

13. Our software solutions for address management are subject to constant further development and maintenance.

Unsere Softwarelösungen für das Adressen-Management unterliegen einer ständigen Weiterentwicklung und Pflege.

14. The results are valuable for the further development of CIT and its clinical applications.

15. To assist in further development or progress: a bill intended to Boost local charities

16. Further development of the PPD-40 led to the simplified and mass-produced PPSh-41.

17. Constructive definition, helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): Constructive criticism

18. For the further development on our freedom of association, the legislation on It'should be intensified.

19. The Griffiths proposals were based on the further development of a mixed economy of welfare.

20. The Board remains committed to the further development of the Group's core international beverage businesses.

21. CFIRS is a simple web-based system that has received ADM (IM) approval for further development.

22. Surely, one contribution is the further development of the energy-saving enzymtic alcoholysis for ester production.

Ein Beitrag hierzu ist sicherlich die Weiterentwicklung der wenig energieaufwändigen enzymatischen Alkoholyse zur Esterproduktion.

23. Thereafter, both companies will jointly evaluate the Capsids and selected the appropriate ones for further development

24. This review is expected to be valuable for further development and application of new cryosurgery techniques.

25. These examples demonstrate a comprehensive basis for further development and applications, including standard titrations in industry.

26. The adjustable calibration sleeve EP 1048434 is a further development also based on Ulrich Neumann's ideas.

Eine Weiterentwicklung ist die verstellbare Kalibrierhülse EP 1048434, die ebenfalls auf Ulrich Neumanns Ideen basiert.

27. Further development in the framework provided by this system will make DVB - T and DVB - C supportable.

28. It adds that research is being carried out worldwide into further development of their possible therapeutic uses.

Zudem werde derzeit weltweit über die Fortentwicklung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten geforscht.

29. This is a further development of the STF-1 Expert process controller and the RC20A riveting machine controller....

Dieser ist eine Weiterentwicklung des bewährten Process Controllers STF-1 Expert und der Nietmaschinensteuerung...

30. These proclamations called for a freeze on the further development and deployment of both nuclear and chemical weapons.

31. Further development was cancelled on 16 April 1941, when production of reliable TK-2 turbo-chargers was delayed.

32. Further development of Europeana will also have to address multilingual search and retrieval, as well as integrating collaborative tools.

Darüber hinaus ist bei der Weiterentwicklung von Europeana an Lösungen für die mehrsprachige Suche und Ergebnisanzeige und die Integration von gemeinschaftlichen Tools zu arbeiten.

33. The Mission could eliminate expensive local contractors by using the Lotus Notes Team in SXID for any further development.

34. Whilst proper discipline should seek to minimise failures and to learn from them, excessive agonising over them inhibits further development.

Durch eine geeignete Disziplin sollten die Misserfolge auf ein Mindestmaß reduziert und versucht werden, aus ihnen zu lernen, doch zu langes Zaudern hemmt die Weiterentwicklung.

35. The subsequent history of the amphibians includes a further development of terrestrial forms, but others remained wholly or partly aqueous.

36. Whilst proper discipline should seek to minimise failures and to learn from them, excessive agonising over them inhibits further development

Durch eine geeignete Disziplin sollten die Misserfolge auf ein Mindestmaß reduziert und versucht werden, aus ihnen zu lernen, doch zu langes Zaudern hemmt die Weiterentwicklung

37. In the further development of bladder neck suspension according to Stamey-Pereyra, the use of miniature bone anchors received considerable support.

In Weiterführung der Technik der Blasenhalssuspension nach Stamey-Pereyra wurde besonders die Verwendung von Miniknochenankern propagiert.

38. With the further development of the alkalimetric-complexometric method the accomplishment of selective determinations and separations of metal ions has become possible.

Mit der weiterentwickelten alkalimetrisch-komplexometrischen Methode können auch selektive Bestimmungen und Trennungen von Metallionen durchgeführt werden.

39. The new electrotechnologies based on high current pulse discharge, flowing through the coil of inductance, gas or liquid has received further development.

40. . Aplomex utilizes its computational platform for the discovery of novel constrained peptide hit molecules and further development of those into preclinical candidates.

41. He has been managing the company since and is pursuing the further development of Analytical Ultracentrifugation in cooperation with partners in international networks.

Seitdem nimmt er die Geschäftsführung war und betreibt neben der Auftragsanalytik im Rahmen internationaler Netzwerke die beständige Weiterentwicklung der Analytischen Ultrazentrifugation.

42. This is largely because Animals have developed muscles and hence mobility, a characteristic that has stimulated the further development of tissues and organ systems.

43. General information about Culicidae (1Culif) European Union funding: EPPO has been awarded EU grant agreements for the further development of the EPPO Code system

44. With the further development of global oceanography research and the appearance of marine geography information system, there is favorable foreground for GIS application to marine geology.

45. In addition to the further development of products, censhare AG participates as official partner in the Adobe InDesign IDML development (InDesign Markup Language) of Adobe Systems.

Neben der Produktweiterentwicklung ist die Censhare AG als offizieller Partner an der IDML-Entwicklung (InDesign Markup Language) von Adobe Systems beteiligt.

46. The exploitation and further development of huai-pig vertical integrated project that may be the supporting industry needs the support and prop up from the government.

47. They also hoped for the further development of cooperative activities under the MOU including joint research and its contribution to the enhanced stability of the energy market.

48. The Amoebula apparently represents the initial infective stage of the organism that enters the host oyster, penetrates the tissues to the egg cytoplasm, and initiates further development

49. The above mentioned procedure achieved a further development of the alkalimetric method in complexometric analysis, a determination being carried out after a preliminary neutralization with only one titration.

Mit dem beschriebenen Verfahren konnte eine Weiterentwicklung der alkalimetrischen Methode bei komplexometrischen Bestimmungen erzielt werden, wobei nach einer Vorneutralisation mit nur einer Titration die Bestimmung ausgeführt werden kann.

50. The Commission supported the WHO’s further development of the physical activity parts of the database, to adapt it to the HEPA monitoring framework and to improve the user interface.

Die Kommission hat die WHO bei der weiteren Ausarbeitung der Bereiche zur körperlichen Aktivität in der Datenbank unterstützt, um sie an den HEPA-Beobachtungsmechanismus anzupassen und die Benutzerschnittstelle zu verbessern.