drives away in Germany

drives away [draivzɔːwei] vertreibt

Sentence patterns related to "drives away"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drives away" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drives away", or refer to the context using the word "drives away" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. But they are like Chaff which the wind drives away

2. You always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?

3. 26 The one who mistreats his father and drives away his mother

4. Julia awakes and sleepily asks "are we there yet" as the SUV drives away.

5. At the angel’s prompting, Tobias marries her and drives away the demon by burning the heart and liver of the fish.

Von dem Engel dazu ermuntert, heiratet Tobias die Jungfrau, und dadurch, daß er das Herz und die Leber des Fisches verbrennt, vertreibt er den Dämon.

6. Encouraged by the angel, Tobias marries the widowed virgin, and by burning the fish’s heart and liver, he drives away the demon.

Von dem Engel dazu ermuntert, heiratet Tobias die verwitwete Jungfrau, und indem er das Herz und die Leber des Fisches verbrennt, vertreibt er den Dämon.