divesting in Germany

divesting [daivestiŋ] entblößend

Sentence patterns related to "divesting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "divesting" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "divesting", or refer to the context using the word "divesting" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Pinkerton's is divesting itself of $120 million in unprofitable business.

2. He pointed out that to some extent this was Achievable by divesting public assets.

3. (ii) Divesting fully out of more enterprises; you have announced ten.

4. Antonyms for Appareling include disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing, denuding, shedding, divesting and dismantling

5. An assignment is absolute, having the effect of permanently divesting the former owner.

6. Antonyms for Attiring include disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing, baring, denuding, shedding and divesting

7. Indeed, some antitrust lawyers said the antitrust issues could have been resolved by divesting selected divisions of a merged company.

8. We are tackling our problem areas and are divesting those assets which no longer have a strategic fit.

9. One of these is Americanization, which, like every essential and effective change of nationality, involves two distinct processes and two vital decisions in a man’s life: a divesting one’s

10. For non-core subsidiaries and associates ([...]), if, by [...], the Bank has actively searched for potential buyers and no capital neutral or capital accretive transaction can take place, then the deadline for divesting those participations shall be postponed to [...].

Für nicht zum Kerngeschäft gehörende Tochtergesellschaften und verbundene Unternehmen ([...]) gilt: Wenn die Bank aktiv nach potenziellen Käufern gesucht hat und bis [...] keine kapitalneutrale oder kapitalsteigernde Transaktion erzielt werden kann, wird die Frist zur Veräußerung dieser Beteiligungen verlängert bis [...].