distressingly in Germany

distressingly [distrisiŋliː] peinliche

Sentence patterns related to "distressingly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "distressingly" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "distressingly", or refer to the context using the word "distressingly" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The American Association of University Professors has claimed that "infringements on academic freedom are distressingly common and that the climate for academic freedom is distressingly poor."

2. Synonyms for Chillingly include painfully, sadly, distressingly, woefully, agonisingly, agonizingly, alarmingly, unfortunately, upsettingly and worryingly

3. Synonyms for Alarmingly include painfully, sadly, distressingly, woefully, agonisingly, agonizingly, unfortunately, upsettingly, worryingly and chillingly

4. Synonyms for nail-Bitingly include disturbingly, disquietingly, tensely, unsettlingly, uneasily, distressingly, anxiously, worrisomely, hairily and distressfully

5. Progress is distressingly slow on the United Nations’ goal of halving the number of hungry people by 2015.

Die Fortschritte hinsichtlich des Ziels der Vereinten Nationen, die Anzahl der Hungernden bis 2015 zu halbieren, sind bedrückend gering.

6. Abominably acerbically Acerbly acidly acridly acrimoniously agonizingly awfully baldly balefully bitingly blatantly brashly caustically confoundedly corrodingly corrosively cruelly cuttingly damnably deadly deathly deucedly distressingly dolorously dreadfully egregiously excessively excruciatingly exorbitantly extravagantly flagrantly frightfully