dissidents in Germany

dissidents [disidənts] Dissidente

Sentence patterns related to "dissidents"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dissidents" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dissidents", or refer to the context using the word "dissidents" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Many Soviet dissidents were banished to Siberia.

2. Beatings and Harassment of Activists and Dissidents

3. Dissidents were routinely arrested on trumped-up charges .

4. Dissidents were cowed into silence by the army.

5. They have deported some dissidents from the party.

6. Turkey also provided refuge for Syrian dissidents.

7. The organization heralded Ukrainian dissidents such as Vyacheslav Chornovil.

8. Harassment, Violence and Restrictions on Activists and Dissidents

9. Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.

10. He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.

11. 2 Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.

12. Many dissidents and protestors had to go into hiding.

13. 21,600 dissidents were imprisoned, 13,000 interned, and 400 executed.

14. The dissidents refused to Acknowledge the new leader as legitimate

15. Political parties are banned, and harassment of dissidents is commonplace.

16. Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.

17. The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.

18. Physical attacks against dissidents, often by anonymous thugs, are on the rise.

19. The dissidents refused to Acknowledge the new leader as legitimate

20. Dozens of other dissidents remain in arbitrary detention, awaiting trial.

21. Several dissidents are considered ( as ) persona non grata by a certain government.

22. In 2012, the Associated Press described her as "one of Cuba's leading dissidents".

23. Regarding the Youth Party members as dissidents, the Guomindang excluded them unscrupulously.

24. Vietnamese dissidents say that violence or harassment by plainclothes police thugs is the new norm.

25. The conservative dissidents already had the beginnings of a plan for what they called realignment.

26. The dissidents lived in a twilight world of hushed voices and secret meetings.

27. Synonyms for Badasses include agitators, rebels, fighters, demagogues, dissidents, frondeurs, renegades, sparkplugs, hard-asses and hardasses

28. The No-U Football Club, composed of dissidents, is under constant surveillance by the authorities.

29. There exist two clearly defined political groupings in the country - the establishment and the dissidents.

30. The government has also prevented an increasing number of dissidents and human rights defenders from traveling abroad.

31. Ben Makuch Travels The World To Meet With Hackers, Government Officials, And Dissidents To Investigate The Ecosystem Of Cyberwarfare.

32. Lese majeste (insulting the monarchy), sedition, and other charges are routinely used to suppress free speech and threaten dissidents.

33. The software was developed by Chinese dissidents as a means of allowing internet users to bypass the Great Firewall of China.

34. In Leipzig, the watchdogs, tone-deaf to history, had even rehearsed plans to inter thousands of dissidents in new concentration camps.

35. Key dissidents in Hanoi were placed under lock down. They were ordered not to leave their homes or have any visitors.

36. Additionally, an increase in Bellicosity from the Obama administration will also drive internal Iranian dissidents right back into the arms of the regime.

37. Calvinists called the dissidents Arians,* but the adherents of the new group preferred to call themselves Christians or the Polish Brethren.

38. He was one of the approximately 75 dissidents arrested, tried, and convicted in 2003 as part of the Cuban government's Black Spring.

39. Some dissidents formed their own local groups that openly attacked the Watch Tower Society, falsely charging that it had been abandoned by Jehovah.

Einige Abtrünnige gründeten ihre eigenen Ortsgruppen, die die Watch Tower Society offen angriffen und behaupteten, Jehova habe die Gesellschaft verlassen.

40. “By failing to investigate or hold accountable those committing these thuggish acts, the authorities are signaling that attacks against dissidents will enjoy impunity.”

41. Clubhouse’s dependence on Agora raises extensive privacy concerns, especially for Chinese citizens and dissidents under the impression their conversations are beyond the reach of state

42. Internet dissidents have been imprisoned on charges of espionage or other national security crimes after using the Internet to disseminate opinions critical of the government.

43. Since 2001, he has quietly become one of the leading Vietnamese activists, through his essays, freelance reports, and role in organizing meetings among dissidents.

44. Khrushchev was then able to ease restrictions, freeing some dissidents and initiating economic policies that emphasized commercial goods rather than just coal and steel production.

45. Ronald Reagan's efforts on arms control and embrace of perestroika not only improved relations with the Soviet Union, but empowered dissidents throughout Eastern Europe.

46. Tapping into the geopolitics of hacking and surveillance, Ben Makuch travels the world to meet with hackers, government officials, and dissidents to investigate the ecosystem of Cyberwarfare.

47. The junta turned against Argentina’s citizens, whisking away political dissidents and people it suspected of being aligned with leftist, socialist or social justice causes and incarcerating

48. The Iranian regime has expanded its clandestine program of foreign Assassinations, renditions and harassment of dissidents and political opponents, according to a new report, while decrying the

49. The anonymous call for a 'Jasmine revolution' in China's major cities was made online, first on the Boxun.com website, run by overseas dissidents, and then on Twitter.

50. In order to lessen the threat of political dissidents and other exiles, relatives of the accused were often arrested, ostracised, and accused of being "enemies of the people".