conditions of acceptance in Germany

conditions of acceptance [kəndiʃənzɔfəkseptəns] Übernahmebedingunge

Sentence patterns related to "conditions of acceptance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "conditions of acceptance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "conditions of acceptance", or refer to the context using the word "conditions of acceptance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. conditions for acceptance into the station

Aufnahmebedingungen der Station

2. - conditions for acceptance into the station,

- Aufnahmebedingungen der Station;

3. Use of this Card constitutes acceptance of these conditions.

4. conditions for acceptance into the station,

Aufnahmebedingungen der Station,

5. The act of purchase shall indicated acceptance of the present general conditions of sale.

6. GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground - Part 1: Raw materials - Specification conditions and acceptance conditions

Oberirdische GFK-Tanks und Behälter - Teil 1: Ausgangsmaterialien, Spezifikations- und Annahmebedingungen

7. GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground — Part 1: Raw materials — Specification conditions and acceptance conditions

Oberirdische GFK-Tanks und Behälter — Teil 1: Ausgangsmaterialien, Spezifikations- und Annahmebedingungen

8. Consultation of this site presupposes acceptance of the terms and conditions of use as defined below.

9. (r) Distribute interference-causing equipment in contravention of the conditions of the technical acceptance certificate 500

10. The giving up of an order is for us synonymous with the acceptance of these conditions.

Das Aufgeben einer Bestellung ist für uns gleichbedeutend mit der Akzeptanz dieser Bedingungen.

11. include a clause stating that the submission of a tender implies acceptance of the relevant conditions;

eine Bestimmung, der zufolge mit der Abgabe eines Angebots das betreffende Lastenheft akzeptiert wird;

12. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Move&Buy Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

13. (n) Manufacture interference-causing equipment in contravention of the conditions of the technical acceptance certificate 500

14. (b) Manufacture a radio apparatus in contravention of the conditions of the technical acceptance certificate 500

15. (c) include a clause stating that the submission of a tender implies acceptance of the relevant conditions;

c) eine Bestimmung, der zufolge mit der Abgabe eines Angebots das betreffende Lastenheft akzeptiert wird;

16. The submission of a claim for payment indicates the understanding and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

17. Consequently, the act of ordering implies the buyer’s full and unqualified acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

Der Kaufer bestätigt die Verkaufsbedingungen zur Kenntnis vor der Bestellung genommen zu haben.

18. On request, we also provide testing under varying temperature conditions, complete with acceptance certificate.

Auf Wunsch selbstverständlich auch unter Temperatur- einfluss und mit Abnahmeprotokoll.

19. At discretion, tender acceptance of the terms and conditions upon which CTFN may acquire the Airport Parcel.

20. All Services are free and are subject to the acceptance of conditions when the user is registered.

Alle Service-Leistungen sind kostenlos und unterliegen ab der Anmeldung der Anerkennung.

21. Draft guidelines # and # explain the terms and conditions concerning the acceptance of the late formulation of a reservation

22. End lot acceptance testing should be conducted through live-fire testing of lot samples over a range of conditions

23. End lot acceptance testing should be conducted through live-fire testing of lot samples over a range of conditions.

24. Acceptance testing should be conducted through live-fire testing over a range of conditions or through other validated procedures.

25. Acceptance testing should be conducted through live-fire testing over a range of conditions or through other validated procedures