computer graphics in Germany

computer graphics [kəmpjuːtərgræfiks] graphische Datenverarbeitung

Sentence patterns related to "computer graphics"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "computer graphics" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "computer graphics", or refer to the context using the word "computer graphics" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Computer graphics accelerator cards

Grafikbeschleunigerkarten für Computer

2. Alembic is an open computer graphics interchange framework

3. Alembic is an open computer graphics interchange framework

4. Downloadable computer graphics software, advanced graphics libraries [downloadable]

Herunterladbare Computergrafiksoftware, herunterladbare erweiterte Grafikbibliotheken

5. Improvements in visibility calculations for 3d computer graphics

6. Gear works on numerical analysis, computer graphics, and software development.

Gear befasst sich mit Numerischer Analysis, Computergraphik und Software-Entwicklung.

7. These are abbreviations for “computer graphics” or “computer generated imagery”.

Es handelt sich um Abkürzungen für “Computergrafik” und “computer generated imagery”, also im Computer erzeugte Bilder.

8. A viewport is a polygon viewing region in computer graphics.

9. Computer graphics to help people open the door to fractal geometry.

10. Miracle Mikipon, Mochisuke, Na-Ga, and Shinory supplemented the computer graphics.

11. Colour Banding is a problem of inaccurate colour presentation in computer graphics

12. Asano utilized photography and computer graphics for the backgrounds of the manga.

13. In computer graphics, undesired movement of display elements about their normal positions.

14. AntiAliasing is a technique used in computer graphics to remove the Aliasing effect

15. Madhouse has a subsidiary, Madbox Co., Ltd., that mainly focuses on computer graphics.

16. In computer graphics, Clamping is the process of limiting a position to an area

17. The construction industry benefits from the significant advancements in computer graphics, simulation and artificial intelligence.

Die Baubranche profitiert von den bedeutenden Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Computergrafik, Simulation und künstliche Intelligenz.

18. On the machine side, techniques in computer graphics, operating systems, programming languages, and development environments are relevant.

19. 27 Major curriculums: C and C ++ Language, Software Engineering, Computer Application, Computer Graphics and Iconography, Database, etc.

20. The realistic representation of lighting effect is one of the key topics in real-time computer graphics.

21. Bitmap (BMP) is an image file format that can be used to create and store computer graphics

22. Computer graphics, text charts, intraoperative video sequences, 3D-visualization, animation, acoustic signals etc. were used as tools.

Für jede dieser Komponenten werden unter Verwendung von Ton und Bild Animationen, Original-Filmsequenzen, Graphiken und schematische Zeichnungen entwickelt.

23. This paper discusses how Axonometric projections may be used in computer graphics, multimedia applications and computer games

24. 23 Major curriculums: C and C ++ Language, Software Engineering, Computer Application, Computer Graphics and Iconography, Database, etc.

25. Low poly is a polygon mesh in 3D computer graphics that has a relatively small number of polygons.

26. The realistic representation of light-bleed effect is one of the key topics in real-time computer graphics.

27. Alembic is an interchangeable computer graphics file format developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Industrial Light & Magic

28. • Logic programming, formal languages, distributed computing, database management, software methodologies, cryptography, computational linguistics, computer graphics, and medical imaging.

29. Bump maps create the illusion of depth and texture on the surface of a 3D model using computer graphics

30. UZR develops and implements advanced computer vision, image processing and 3D computer graphics algorithms to create groundbreaking innovative software products.

UZR entwickelt und implementiert modernste Computer Vision, Bildverarbeitungs- und 3D-Computergrafikalgorithmen und realisiert auf dieser Grundlage innovative Produkte.

31. Even when GIS is not involved, most cartographers now use a variety of computer graphics programs to generate new maps.

32. 28 Fractals are used in the study of things like forked lightning and to produce some types of computer graphics.

33. Animation portal Animation Computer animation Computer graphics Key frame List of animators Sweat box "How A Cartoon is Made" "Archived copy".

34. In Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Computer Graphics and Computational Mechanics, eminent computer graphics and computational mechanics researchers provide a state-of-the-art overview of generalized Barycentric coordinates.Commonly used in cutting-edge applications such as mesh parametrization, image warping, mesh deformation, and finite as well as boundary element methods, …

35. They must, in particular, be capable of providing ancillary research services including literature surveys, database searches, statistics, scientific editing and computer graphics.

Wissenschaftliche Assistenten müssen sich zumindest mit einem Universitätsabschluß oder einem gleichwertigen Abschluß qualifizieren und einschlägige Erfahrungen nachweisen; sie müssen in der Lage sein, unterstützende wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen -Literaturübersichten, Nachforschungen in Datenbanken, Statistiken, redaktionelle wissenschaftliche Arbeit, Computergraphiken etc. zu erbringen.

36. Computer graphics requiring three dimensional representation needs very fine colour shading which is not possible with only 8 planes (bits) per pixel.

37. Cgi most commonly refers to the 3D computer graphics used to create characters, scenes and special effects in films, television and games.

38. In the field of computer graphics, two orthogonal vectors tangent to a surface are frequently referred to as tangent and Binormal vectors

39. In color reproduction, including computer graphics and photography, the gamut, or color gamut (pronounced /ˈgæmət/), is a certain complete subset of colors.

Die erste GIF-Version war die Version 87a. 1989 veröffentlichte CompuServe eine erweiterte Version, die 89a genannt wird.

40. Most materials used in real-time computer graphics today only account for the interaction of light at the surface of an object.

41. In this contribution a method for the treatment of analytic geometrical problems is introduced which integrates three-dimensional computer graphics and computer algebra.

In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode für das Behandlung dreidimensionaler analytisch-geometrischer Aufgaben vorgestellt, welche dreidimensionale Computergrafik und Computeralgebra integriert.

42. 8 Only through the study on computer graphics and mastery of basic knowledge of three-dimensional cartoon, the lucubration of visualized simulation is possible.

43. Using vertex and fragment programs, it is possible to replace the traditional vertex projection and lighting equation used by real-time computer graphics hardware.

44. Geometric Programming is currently of interest in CAD (Computer Aided Design) and related areas such as computer graphics, modeling and animation, scientific simulation and robotics

45. Generative Modelling Language (GML) in computer graphics and generative computer programming is a very simple programming language for the concise description of complex 3D shapes.

46. Lighting “dis-Ambiguates” 3D scenes Without lighting With lighting mjb –July 14, 2020 3 Computer Graphics A surface normal is a vector perpendicular to the surface

47. Masuda attended the Japan Electronics College, a technical school in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where he studied computer graphics and the C programming language using a DEC Professional.

48. The plant simulation is the technology using of computer graphics theories and methods to simulate the plant structure and growth process, it is a hot topic of virtual reality.

49. Gary David Bouton has been writing books on computer graphics for over 20 years, inlcuding eight books on CorelDRAW, four of which have been editions of the Official Guide

50. A box of video tapes of the computer graphics, including radar and subspace scan , aboard the Enterprise-B during its red alert was sold off on the It's A Wrap!

Als Fähnrich Demora Sulu die Schadensmeldungen vorliest, die auch schwere Schäden auf Deck 15 beinhalten, haben plötzlich alle ein ungutes Gefühl was Captain Kirk betrifft. Chekov, Scotty und Harriman eilen zur Deflektor-Steuerung, wo sie nur noch einen völlig zerstörten Raum vorfinden.