computer center in Germany

computer centerUS [kəmpjuːtərsentərəm] Rechenzentrum

Sentence patterns related to "computer center"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "computer center" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "computer center", or refer to the context using the word "computer center" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. What had become of the suspicious anti-warrior of the sixties, casting reproachful glances at the Temple University computer center?

2. AllstarLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Rasperry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site or computer center.

3. For programming the Hybrid System TR4 — RA770 at the Computer Center of the University of Stuttgart the programming language ALGOL 60 has been extended by a number of type declarations and code procedures.

Zur Programmierung des Hybrid-Systems TR4 — RA770 am Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart wurde die Programmiersprache ALGOL 60 um eine Reihe von Deklarationen und Code-Prozeduren erweitert.

4. 3.1.2 In the case of ASP contracts, picturemaxx shall keep one copy of the respective current version of the software selected by the Customer available at its computer center for the Customer for retrieval via the Internet for the contractually agreed use term.

3.1.2 Bei ASP-Verträgen hält picturemaxx für den Kunden im Rechenzentrum ein Exemplar der jeweils aktuellen Version der vom Kunden ausgewählten Software für die vertraglich definierte Nutzungsdauer zum Abruf über das Internet bereit.