blocked account in Germany

blocked account [blɔktəkaunt] Sperrkonto

Sentence patterns related to "blocked account"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blocked account" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blocked account", or refer to the context using the word "blocked account" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 23 The importer deposits money in a blocked account.

2. Blocked Account: The term Blocked account has a few different meanings and definitions, but fewer still, when we are considering only trade and finance.

3. EUR 106,5 million (100)) (including the costs of court appointed executor of RON 6 028 608) into a blocked account in the name of the five claimants.

EUR (100)) (einschließlich der Kosten des gerichtlich bestellten Verwalters in Höhe von 6 028 608 RON) auf ein Sperrkonto auf den Namen der fünf Beschwerdeführer überwiesen haben.

4. EUR 106,5 million (44)) (including the costs of court appointed executor of RON 6 028 608) into a blocked account in the name of the five claimants.

EUR (44)) (einschließlich der Kosten für den gerichtlich bestellten Verwalter in Höhe von 6 028 608 RON) auf ein Sperrkonto auf den Namen der fünf Beschwerdeführer überwiesen.

5. EUR 106,5 million (40)) (including the costs of court appointed executor of RON 6 028 608) into a blocked account in the name of the five claimants in order to implement the Award.

106,5 Mio. EUR (40)) (einschließlich der Kosten des vom Gericht bestellten Verwalters in Höhe von 6 028 608 RON) auf ein Sperrkonto auf den Namen der fünf Beschwerdeführer, um den Schiedsspruch umzusetzen.

6. Banks must report all Blockings to OFAC within ten days of the occurrence and annually by September 30 concerning those assets blocked (as of June 30).130 Once assets or funds are blocked, they should be placed in a blocked account