below zero in Germany

below zero [bilouzərou] unter Null

Sentence patterns related to "below zero"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "below zero" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "below zero", or refer to the context using the word "below zero" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The temperature drops below zero.

2. It's absolute zero... 460gF below zero.

3. The fuel gauge reads below zero.

4. It was ten degrees below zero.

5. Temperatures dropped to 25 degrees below zero.

6. The temperature could fall below zero overnight.

7. Here the temperature never goes below zero centigrade.

8. Night temperature in Quetta stays below zero degree centigrade.

9. That night the mercury fell to thirty degrees below zero.

10. The reputation of the conjurer was rapidly sinking below zero.

11. Temperatures during the long Mercurian night would probably plummet to below zero.

12. 29 The egg masses can survive temperatures as low as twenty below zero Fahrenheit.

13. Inputs above full scale and below zero can be converted and generate output codes.

14. No mystery, however, since the thermometer recorded 45 degrees below zero Celsius (-50° F.) outside!

15. The savings ratio, net savings, were below zero in the middle of 2008, just before the crash.

16. In winter, the maximum temperature barely gets above 0 celsius, and the minimum can reach -10 below zero.

Im Winter, in Sierra Nevada, die Höchsttemperatura kommt nur ein oder zwei Grad über den 0 Punkt.

17. A local official says the lowest temperature in the earthquake zone can be 21.1 degrees below zero centigrade.

18. The seawater here is a degree below zero, so even the toughest human diver can't stay down for long.

19. The new variation of the Chelicerate for the Void is officially in the experimental build of Subnautica Below Zero

20. But 3° isn't enough, we have to get 4° colder, so we actually have to go one more below zero.

21. Temperatures on the moon were found to range from 280 degrees F. below zero to 250 degrees F. above zero.

22. Ronald Reagan reluctantly canceled his inaugural parade in 1985 when the chill factor dropped well below zero, endangering the marchers.

23. An account Balance that falls below zero represents a net debt—for example, when there is an overdraft on a checking account

24. 12 Temperatures ranged from 227 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in the upper atmosphere to 305 degrees shortly before the probe stopped relaying data.

25. Often we left early on dark winter mornings and hiked through waist-deep snow when the temperature was 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-40°C).

26. The Coldest temperatures in decades hit a large portion of the Central and Southern Plains on Tuesday morning, with lows dropping below zero all the way down to Texas.

27. Below Zero Cryo is located in Frisco, Texas and offers innovative health & wellness therapies including Cryotherapy, Cryoskin, Endospheres Therapy, Infraded Sauna, IV Therapy and many other vitality-boosting treatments.

28. What Was The Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded In Texas? - Austin, TX - As temps plunged well below zero degrees in continental U.S., we wondered when the most frigid day was recorded in Lone Star

29. Suppose you could take all the heat out of a block of ice and a block of gold —freezing them down to what is called absolute zero, 460 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-273 degrees C).

30. Besides, no slowly freezing swamp could possibly account for the drastically sudden drop in temperatures that, it has been estimated on the basis of cellular studies, were as low as 150 degrees below zero F. (–101° C.)!

31. A taxpayer can elect to deduct up to $5,000 of start-up and $5,000 of organizational expenditures in the tax year in which the trade or business Begins. Each $5,000, however, is reduced (but not below zero) by the amount by which the cumulative cost of start-up or organizational expenditures exceeds $50,000.