being caught in Germany

being caught [biːiŋkɔːt] verfangend

Sentence patterns related to "being caught"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "being caught" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "being caught", or refer to the context using the word "being caught" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I was always worried about being caught and sent back.

2. The accountant knocked down plenty of money without being caught.

3. She was sacked after being caught pilfering from the till.

4. 9 She was sacked after being caught pilfering from the till.

5. The danger of being caught added a certain zest to the affair.

6. Police officers are being caught on the hop with all these rioters.

7. Part of the thrill of voyeurism may lie in almost being caught.

8. After being caught Babysitting, Babysitters almost always take an additional hit before passing.

9. Forest dwellers lament being caught between Maoist bandits, exploitative miners and thuggish security men.

10. There is no one in these years can cheat without being caught in his gamble houses.

11. There is always the danger of being caught by the howler from a played - back ball.

12. Abscond means to leave secretly and suddenly, especially to avoid being caught, punished, or put on trial

13. Tim Whittman from the F.B.I. says illegal sex businesses often limit their customers to avoid being caught .

14. After being caught, maatjes herring must be gibbed or headed. This may be done at sea or onshore.

Der fangfrische Matjeshering muss entweder auf See oder an Land gekehlt oder geköpft werden.

15. Production methods: After being caught, anchovies must be placed in traditional wooden crates, containing approximately 10 kg of product.

Verarbeitungsmethoden: Nach dem Fang müssen die Sardellen in die traditionellen Holzkisten gelegt werden, die ca. 10 kg des Erzeugnisses enthalten.

16. Burglars try to avoid security cameras and security systems since security devices will increase a burglar’s chances of being caught

17. Too many are being caught in the web of immorality and all of the bitter fruit that flows from it.

18. Alert to the possibility of being caught with separated forces that could be destroyed, Khalid called for a council of war.

19. An Abscondee is a person who absconds —leaves secretly and suddenly, especially to avoid being caught, punished, or put on trial

20. The Airwomen of the 46 th developed defensive tactics to minimize the chances of being caught in one of the dreaded searchlights

21. 30 She hadn't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis.

22. Sennhauser says that the government has employed these technologies smartly despite being caught flat-footed by the initial furor after the election.

23. Fear of being caught makes traders prepare for extortion attempts by carrying extra money and packs of cigarettes to pay off authorities if necessary.

24. Some sign writers, terrified of being caught short, go into Apostrophal spasms: “Get you’re five-a-day Super Green’s juice!” I’m a fusspot, I know

25. In the UK, the Profumo Affair also involved establishment leaders being caught in deception, leading to disillusionment and serving as a catalyst for liberal activism.

26. Many try to get rich quick by engaging in illegal or dangerous activities, resulting in their being caught by law-enforcement agents or even being killed.

27. Former Baton Rouge Police Officer Marshall McDermitt will not be reinstated to the force after being caught on camera Bloodying an LSU student outside of a Tigerland bar.

28. It traces the Afterlife experiences of a materialistic doctor from his death to being caught in the lower regions, being taken to a hospital and then exploring his new home.

29. What types of growths can be shaved or Curetted? Usually, shave or curette of skin growths is used for benign growths that are cosmetically embarrassing or cause a nuisance by being caught on …

30. Bastogne likely would have remained unknown to the world, but Bastogne suffered the misfortune of being caught in the Battle of the Bulge, one of the largest land battles of World War II

31. A Blackmailer who is blackmailing you wrongly or with a shred of false evidence is also afraid of being caught if he/she doesn’t get you to be fearful of his/her evidence

32. An adjunct law professor at the Georgetown University Law Center has been fired after being caught on camera making comments about Black students that the law school's dean called "Abhorrent" and

33. * Jesus, though, sees clearly that if he entertained any idea of a life free from sacrifice, he would fall out of God’s favor by being caught in the death grip of a satanic trap.

34. The full poem tells the story of a trout being caught by a fisherman, but in its final stanza reveals its purpose as a moral piece warning young women to guard against young men.

35. The Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office says a 58-year-old man has been placed in custody after being caught in the process of Burgling a residence in the 7400 block of SW Indian Hills Rd

36. The closest they came was a shot from Hazard that flashed wide, while Fabregas was Contentiously booked for diving when he went down in the Southampton box after apparently being caught by 19-year-old Matthew Targett.

37. If you use the Eyeball Bomb effect to return to The Nexus after being caught by a chaser, other Chasers will often appear in places where they usually aren't found, and will continue to appear and chase

38. Agoraphobia - a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place) phobia , phobic disorder , phobic neurosis - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"

39. Bertram (1995) noted the large number of fishing boats around Langara Island from 1954 to at least 1965, including a small proportion of gill netters, and suggested that large numbers of murrelets were killed by light attraction into ships’ rigging at night and by being caught accidentally in gill nets.

40. ‘The Awfulness of it is it's not like any other disease.’ ‘The unspeakable Awfulness of September 11 affected stock markets across the world and gutted the international aviation industry.’ ‘He was afraid of being caught before he could accomplish his purpose, but behind this was a vaguer but larger fear of the Awfulness of his crime.’