being called in Germany

being called [biːiŋkɔːld] heißend

Sentence patterns related to "being called"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "being called" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "being called", or refer to the context using the word "being called" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He blanched at being called old.

2. Girls worry about being called a slut.

3. She protested strongly at being called a snob.

4. You find being called "Bougie" offensive

5. She refused to tolerate being called a liar.

6. He hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius.

7. I feel that my competence is being called into question here.

8. It has the distinction of being called as The Detroit of Asia.

9. You might also hear of Butterfish being called Gunnels or Rock Gunnels

10. Clint suffered the indignity of being called 'Puppy' in front of his girlfriend.

11. Amou Haji, an 80-year-old Iranian, is being called the world's dirtiest man

12. 17, 18. (a) What is the significance of Jesus’ being called “the last Adam”?

13. Britannia is a British historical period drama, being called the biggest fraud in TV

14. 🔊 At the director’s Behest, I am being called back for a second audition

15. For most Western young women of today, being called a feminist is an insult.

16. Now, girl, don't you know the darkies don't like being called niggers no more?

17. The Seraph, mightily confused at being called a Bantling, giggled inanely, so I replied again.

18. 11 Think of as the equivalent of the nation being called into the principal's office.

19. Being called before a grand jury does not mean a witness has done anything wrong.

20. After the initial surprise of being called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Dale G.

21. Bulldykes, Faggots, and Fairies, Oh My! Calling and Being Called Queer in America, Now and Then book

22. The time-limit laid down is intended to avoid Community measures being called in question ad infinitum .

Die erwähnte Frist will ausschließen, daß Gemeinschaftsmaßnahmen ad infinitum in Frage gestellt werden .

23. He had great wealth in the form of livestock, even being called “the greatest of all the Orientals.”

Er besaß großen Reichtum in Form von Vieh und wurde sogar „der größte von allen Orientalen“ genannt.

24. A powerful spiritual being, called "Ahriman" (or "Satan"), will incarnate in a human body

25. His poor performances in the league also prevented him from being called up for the Chinese national team.

26. He once called liberalism a form of bigotry, but he did not particularly mind being called a bigot himself.

27. On 1 November 1894 Alfred's brother, Mathieu Dreyfus, became aware of the arrest after being called urgently to Paris.

28. Croaky is shown to be a skilled battler, being called by Y on many instances to battle Team Flare

29. Shad “Bow wow” Moss is being called to the carpet after footage from a Houston club performance went viral Saturday

30. He once called liberalism a form of bigotry, but he did not particularly mind being called a bigot himself.

31. The Acholi believe in a supreme being called Jok and in another god, Lubanga, who is the cause of evil.

32. Then a day after being called up he picks up his first-ever win in front of a huge crowd.

33. Dispo is the Buzzy, invite-only photo app that's being called both the 'new Instagram' and the 'anti-Instagram' Zahra Tayeb

34. 26 Experts are now being called out to check this tress vital statistics, and establish it officially as a record breaker.

35. Stephen Quinn, mari Complaisant of Blunkett's former lover, Kimberly Quinn, told a colleague of mine that he resented being called rich

36. Scientists are reporting on "Ardi," a fossil, 4.4 million years old, of a pre-human being called Ardipithecus ramidus

37. Actually, being called on to adapt our material in this way is a test of how thoroughly we understand it ourselves.

38. In 1916, because he was still working for his Abitur, he was absolved from being called up into the Bavarian Army.

1916 wurde er, da er das Abitur machte, von der Einberufung zur Bayerischen Armee zurückgestellt.

39. The former topless model took action which led to police being called when Davidson tried to get back in this week.

40. 14 Now the members of the anointed remnant are being called to account as to how they have handled the symbolic minas.

14 Nun müssen die Glieder des gesalbten Überrestes Rechenschaft darüber ablegen, wie sie mit den symbolischen Minen gehandelt haben.

41. A stockbroker dubbed “Big Levy” pressed libel charges after being called a “practical Amalgamationist” due to his alleged predilection for African-American prostitutes

42. The Chain in this application is so designed that each consecutive link fits over a sprocket, the distance between links being called the pitch

43. When a tender or bid is being called, a tender or bid number is usually issued as a reference number for the tender box.

44. The standard dictionary definition does not address looks, but one seldom hears a beautiful woman being called a Battleaxe, no matter how disagreeable she is.

45. Ferula foetida (the active oleoresin being called Ferula Asafoetida) is a supplement catered towards lung and gastrointestinal health, and is used as a carminative agent

46. The mince pie used to contain meat, hence the filling being called mincemeat, but now is a mixture of dried fruits, spices, fat and brandy.

47. Here is a disclaimer for you right at the beginning of this article – being called a Condescending person is definitely not a compliment for you.

48. When I was eight, I was confused about being called " bossy " because I wanted to direct the plays that we would put on for our parents.

49. 14 The mince pie used to contain meat, hence the filling being called mincemeat, but now is a mixture of dried fruits, spices, fat and brandy.

50. How We Really Feel About Being Called ‘Boatmen’ Women have worked hard to gain access to traditionally male-dominated professions and river guiding is no exception