before-image in Germany

before-image [bfɔːrimidʒ] Vorabbildung

Sentence patterns related to "before-image"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "before-image" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "before-image", or refer to the context using the word "before-image" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 14 Before anything else, however, let's do some image adjustment.

2. They were assessed by audiology and aural image before surgery.

3. Now that's a before and after image, but you don't read the image on the screen like that.

Nun, dies hier ist ein " vorher " und " nachher " Bild, aber so liest man das nicht auf dem Bildschirm.

4. But I cannot fix before my eye the image of his safety.

5. She prostrated herself before the image of Mary and placed the best candles she could buy before the crucifix.

6. At a certain moment in the proceedings, all assembled were to bow before the image.

7. (b) What was to be the penalty for refusing to bow down before the image?

8. As an image Cropper - this extension sucks because as stated before, it does not crop images

9. Before you start to blur image, you need to define the purpose of your photo Blurring

10. Click on the name to see a before and after image along with a filter description.

Klicken Sie auf den Filternamen, um Filterbeschreibungen und Vorher/Nachher-Beispielbilder zu erhalten.

11. All present were to bow down before the image at the sound of certain musical instruments.

12. Image in terms of senses can be further divided into the following 7 types: visual image, auditory image, olfactory image, tactile image, gustatory image, kinaesthetic image and abstract image.

13. Before you start to Blur image, you need to define the purpose of your photo Blurring

14. If you don't want your image tarnished, chase your tail before you get into serious trouble.

15. Okay, can - - can you pull up an image before the explosion but after the bus pulled in?

16. To Break (something) out (1890s) probably is an image from dock work, of freeing cargo before unloading it

17. But this very positive image is almost the exact opposite of the prevailing view about conformity before 19

18. Bokeh Use Bokeh Image / Image Normalization

19. Image-quality adjustment of image data

20. Adjusting output image of image data

21. [image] Emergency exit/escape route [image]

[image] Rettungsweg — Notausgang [image]

22. Upload the image news_list_32xgif to the Image field in the Image Element section of the List News Image tab.

23. Adaptive image filter for filtering image information

24. Another image from the Cultural Revolution flashed before his eyes: his aging mother being vilified on her hands and knees.

25. Image encoding device and image decoding device