before (after) tax in Germany

before (after) tax [bfɔːrɑːftərtæks] vor (nach) Abzug der Steue

Sentence patterns related to "before after tax"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "before after tax" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "before after tax", or refer to the context using the word "before after tax" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 60 Before-tax income 50 After-tax income

2. Is the salary before or after tax?

3. By contrast, the LTS assets yield interest of #,# % after tax (around #,# % before tax

Das LTS-Fördervermögen wird dagegen mit #,# % nach Steuern (ca. #,# % vor Steuern) verzinst

4. By contrast, the LTS assets yield interest of 0,5 % after tax (around 1,2 % before tax).

Das LTS-Fördervermögen wird dagegen mit 0,5 % nach Steuern (ca. 1,2 % vor Steuern) verzinst.

5. Accordingly, it sets the minimum remuneration at 10,19 % per annum (after corporation tax and before investor tax).

Die Kommission legt deshalb als angemessene Mindestvergütung einen Wert von 10,19 % jährlich. (jeweils nach Unternehmenssteuer und vor Investorensteuer) fest.

6. It is thus possible that successful active managers (measured before tax) may produce miserable after-tax results.

7. The Cpin number generates before payment of GST tax and CIN is issued after payment of GST tax

8. Profit before tax

Gewinn vor Steuern

9. Tax Amnesty is only available for State tax liabilities for tax returns due on or after February 1, 2009, and before September 1, 2017

10. Pension (% salary, before tax)

Ruhegehalt (% des Gehalts, vor Steuern)

11. To achieve the same real yield with an inflation rate of # %, the nominal interest rate would need to be # ⁄ # % after tax, or # % before tax

Um die gleiche Realverzinsung bei einer Inflationsrate von # % zu erzielen, müsste der Nominalzins nach Steuern auf # ⁄ # % steigen, vor Steuern insgesamt also # % betragen

12. Self-employment income is calculated after business expenses but, as with wages and salaries, before income tax.

13. Self-employment income is reported after business expenses but, as with wages and salaries, before income tax.

14. Remuneration paid (after tax)

Gezahlte Vergütung nach Steuern

15. Before that, between 1960 and 1985, American households saved an average of 9% of their after-tax incomes.

Davor, zwischen 1960 und 1985, sparten die amerikanischen Haushalte durchschnittlich 9 % ihrer Einkommen nach Steuern.

16. Concessional contributions, also called before-tax contributions, are the funds that go into your super account from your before-tax income.

17. Profit after tax and cash flow.

18. RoE : return on equity after tax.

19. Extraordinary profit or (-) loss after tax

Außerordentliche Gewinne oder (-) Verluste nach Steuern

20. Average after‐tax income ‐ elderly families

21. Nine years ago, earnings before tax and depreciation...

22. Benefits of After-Tax 401(k) Contributions

23. 2.3.2. Profit after tax and cash flow.

2.3.2 Gewinn nach Steuern und Cashflow

24. Before 1980, the top tax rate was over 70%.

25. Net profit after tax (in EUR million)

Nettoergebnis nach Steuern (in Mio. EUR)