sail through in Czech

sail through [hovor.] lehce zvládnout, s něčím si hladce poradit, snadno projít (testem, pohovorem,...) Entry edited by: tata sail through proplout (mezi něčím, mezi útesy) Entry edited by: tata

Sentence patterns related to "sail through"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sail through" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sail through", or refer to the context using the word "sail through" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Thanks for his help, we could sail through that grassy slope.

2. However, I do wonder why anyone would sail through these areas.

3. And not only did not sail through, it didn't pass at all.

4. Philip Jimeno offered the bill, expecting it to sail through the legislature.

5. I have yellow leaves gently on a fence, to sail through this path.

6. Marie Brown thought she was one of the fortunate ones to sail through unaffected.

7. If we can't sail through the damn wind, Tom, we'll bloody well sail around it.

8. I am glad I have you with me to sail through the journey of life.

9. You'll sail through English as usual; you seem to find it easy to learn.

10. But the relatively small civil service portion could sail through, if Republicans sign on to them.

11. It's hard to believe a bill with so much financial power behind it didn't simply sail through the Congress.

12. It said that Chinese ships sometimes sail through waters that Japan claims and that China sometimes claims as well.

13. This may affect a business alliance instead, but if all are strong, you will sail through without noticing much.

14. She grabbed Steve's sleeve, their eyes in unison watched the ball sail through the air and high over the net.

15. We say, live that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness that allows you to sail through life.

16. On his own initiative, Foley decided to exploit this tactical error and changed his angle of approach to sail through the gap.

17. An increase in the number of visas available for the well-qualified could sail through the more-Republican Congress if submitted next year.

18. As we sail through life, don't avoid storms and rough waters. Just let it pass, just sail. Always remember, calm seas never make skillful sailors.

19. At that juncture, most observers thought the acquisition would sail through because Google and ITA Software operate in different sectors, search/advertising and travel data, respectively.

20. But call these projects "stimulus," and suddenly a ship headed for the reef of economic disaster might sail through Congress flying the flag of economic recovery.

21. For a while it looked as if the bill would sail through: Florida has been a centre of tea-party agitation and both chambers have Republican majorities.

22. Ever wished you could sail through the sky? Designer Damien Grossemy wants to make that dream a reality with his Zep'lin, a flying sailboat designed for Renault.

23. This gives rise to the question: Can the ship of China-US relations stay on the course of cooperation and sail through the storms toward a brighter future?

24. These small predators leap from rocks and numb their prey with their poisonous stings. An extendable skin fold allows them to sail through the air towards their victims.

25. 29 These small predators leap from rocks and numb their prey with their poisonous stings. An extendable skin fold allows them to sail through the air towards their victims.

26. And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven with.

27. The original design has evolved into a comfortable cruising vessel and an ideal charter boat with their broad beams, spacious decks and generous alfresco living above decks. Sail through Adriatic with stile that is given to you by Kaiser-Yachting.