safety net in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "safety net"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "safety net" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "safety net", or refer to the context using the word "safety net" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. My safety net became my reflex.

2. This is a safety net to avoid anthropomorphism.

3. The material researchers provide makes a great safety net.

4. State benefits provide a safety net for the very poor.

5. If I lose my job, I've got no safety net.

6. State support should provide a safety net for the very poor.

7. Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.

8. The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.

9. Alleyoop Trampolines offer a lifetime warranty, performance springs, and reliable safety net

10. 12 Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.

11. Welfare provides a safety net for people who are unable to work.

12. The law career had been my safety net for many years by then.

13. The Senate leader does have a safety net of sorts for the weeks ahead.

14. The final safety net, available but rarely used is a nine-month monetary support arrangement.

15. Bob Dole, the daring old man on the flying trapeze, has sold his safety net.

16. They are not as enthusiastic about budget-balancing as about providing services and a safety net.

17. The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.

18. 11 Now the government is committed rhetorically – and, increasingly, in practice – to rebuilding the social safety net.

19. You can also add a backup credit card to your account, to serve as a safety net.

20. The remedy, something Beijing has belatedly woken up to, is to re - establish a credible safety net.

21. Another way bankruptcy works is as a safety net for debtors who honestly cannot satisfy their creditors.

22. If share prices fall over that time, a safety net guarantees you will get your money back.

23. In a time when there was no social safety net, a fourth of all workers were unemployed.

24. Another is a type of safety net that in 1986 was made mandatory on all construction sites.

25. And usually the institutions -- churches, temples, other things -- do not have the resources to provide a safety net.

26. “When my dad died, I felt as if someone had cut a giant hole in my safety net.

27. The big entitlement programs should be privatized, he says, leaving only a low safety net for the indigent.

28. The government's starting point with regard to block funding was that they would not provide a safety net.

29. If the partner continues working, the couple may have to survive on an income below the statutory safety net.

30. Two factors form a reliable safety net for the F-22 program: The Air Force really, really wants it.

31. He filmed without using Steadicams, elevated shots, or zoom lenses, "everything that for me might be considered a safety net."

32. The Endangered Species Act is a safety net that comes into play when other environmental and conservation laws have failed.

33. The only possible response from the independents would be to also reduce their fares but without the cross-funding safety net.

34. They are a fundamental part of the social safety net and have kept the poverty rate among the elderly relatively low.

35. Two-wheel drive gives better stability and traction in all conditions, but just as importantly is a powerful psychological safety net.

36. Welfare capitalism, where mixed economies predominated and governments sought to provide a safety net to alleviate the worst abuses of capitalism.

37. The state intervenes as a last resort or safety net when parenting leads to dangerous or inadequate levels of child care.

38. The focus of the so-called reform is to decentralize social safety net programs, transferring money and jurisdiction to the 50 states.

39. However, States said the new program is providing a better safety net for the drought-plagued wheat growers of the Great Plains.

40. What we have found working with the World Bank is that the poor man's safety net, the best investment, is school feeding.

41. The Recycle Bin provides a safety net when users delete files, versions of files, list items, libraries, lists, and folders from a site

42. It can provide a safety net for children in danger as well as for those who have socially or emotionally lost their way.

43. The Breadwinners Foundation is a private, non-profit organization committed to strengthening the safety net for families who have tragically lost their principal breadwinner

44. The recession cost more than $800 billion in lost revenues from businesses and individuals and in automatic spending for safety-net programs like unemployment compensation.

45. When Animals in the wild are threatened by loss of habitat, zoos can help provide a "safety net" and breeding ground for endangered populations

46. The recession cost more than $800 billion in lost revenues from businesses and individuals and in automatic spending for safety-net programs like unemployment compensation. Mr.

47. The Broadcasters Foundation of America reaches across the country to provide an anonymous safety net for radio and television Broadcasters who find themselves in acute financial need

48. External and internal pressure at the ADB’s Annual Meeting this May forced the bank to respond to the current food crisis through temporary safety-net food security programs.

49. This arrangement will have a positive precautionary effect, help countries forestall short-term liquidity pressures, promote further BRICS cooperation, strengthen the global financial safety net and complement existing international arrangements.

50. 24 To combat the dangerous working conditions, bridge designer Joseph Strauss introduced the hard hat and a safety net that stretched end to end under the bridge. Nineteen workers fell.