riots in Czech

iots demonstrace Entry edited by: B2 riots <n.> výtržnosti Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "riots"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "riots" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "riots", or refer to the context using the word "riots" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Riots are spreading.

2. A memorial statue provoked riots.

3. The riots were in a sense a foretaste of the Gordon Riots of the summer of 17

4. Riots may explode at any time.

5. The riots radically transformed the situation.

6. Shortages eventually led to food riots.

7. And there will be more riots.

8. His murder triggered vicious race riots .

9. Broils (7): angry, violent quarrels or riots

10. Prison riots broke out over worsening conditions.

11. 30 Shortages eventually led to food riots.

12. Order was quickly restored after the riots.

13. You must have heard about the riots, surely?

14. Riots led to the postponement of local elections.

15. The jury watched video footage of the riots.

16. Spectator fanaticism also led to disasters and riots.

17. There were riots, arson(, and killings.

18. A shortage of bread ignited the 1917 riots.

19. The riots were the work of political agitators.

20. Riots are of frequent occurrence in this province.

21. By this time the riots were getting serious.

22. Law and order were quickly restored after the riots.

23. A number of storefronts were damaged in the riots.

24. The riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

25. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riots.

26. His murder triggered vicious race riots in 125 cities.

27. The judge's verdict provided the spark for the riots.

28. The football riots made me ashamed to be English.

29. Years of white supremacy threats Culminated in Capitol riots

30. The town centre was left unscathed by the riots.

31. The army clamped on a curfew after the riots.

32. 3 The riots were orchestrated by anti-government forces.

33. The riots caused the irretrievable loss of heritage architecture.

34. This accidental killing sparked major riots in the cities.

35. 8 Major cities hit by sporadic uprisings and riots.

36. 2 Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.

37. Police only returned on the fourth day after the riots.

38. During the riots, some of the prisoners barricaded their cells.

39. In 1989, there were violent riots between Buddhists and Muslims.

40. Those riots were part of the manifestation of that frustration.

41. People just walking in with riots, drugs, you name it.

42. People just walking in with riots, drugs, you name it

43. East Los Angeles was left relatively unscathed by the riots.

44. The riots are a clear manifestation of the people's discontent.

45. These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

46. The riots had to be suppressed by government forces.

47. Conscription Act of 1863 led to riots across the country

48. The riots took place against a background of widespread unemployment.

49. A number of storefronts were damaged in the riots.

50. This caused widespread riots that the government suppressed with brutality.