reverts in Czech

everts vrací Entry edited by: B2 reverts <v.> přepíná Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "reverts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reverts" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reverts", or refer to the context using the word "reverts" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Backslides include relapses, regresses, retrogresses, reverts, slips back, falls back, reverts to a former state, reverts to old habits, slips back to old ways and goes back to your old ways

2. Once my status is ascertained, the conversation quickly reverts to repartee.

3. Interestingly, the Blackbuck reverts back to the brown/mottled black coloring in late March, only to …

4. If adjacent to a wooded area, old field meadow eventually reverts to woodland as

5. If the plan is not carried, then expenditure reverts to a pre-specified reversion level.

6. The most common form of secondary Amenorrhea is hypothalamic Amenorrhea, where the female body reverts to survival mode because …

7. If a comma or a semi-colon is encountered further down the print list, the format reverts to decimal.

8. However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.

9. In the Luka Urushibara Ending, Okabe decides to not send the D-Mail that reverts Luka back to a guy.

10. 15 However, when a country reverts to more repressive politics, government policies usually demobilize many of the new foot soldiers.

11. Roll-back recovery reverts the system state back to some earlier, correct version, for example using checkpointing, and moves forward from there.

12. At night, the boundary reverts to the west as there is no longer any solar heating to help mix the lower atmosphere.

13. Condensation is the process by which water in the gaseous state reverts to the liquid state on meeting a cooler surface or a region with lower temperature conditions

14. Armitage finally comes undone and reverts back to Corto, but is killed by Wintermute. At the same time, Molly is captured by Lady 3Jane and Riviera, who by this point has switched allegiances.

15. ‘Avulsion in a coastal area, of course, simply destroys property and moves the boundary, as there is no opposite bank to gain.’ ‘Ohio Revised Code (Law) states that land lost by erosion but regained by Avulsion, reverts ownership back to the upland property owner.’

16. Backsliding, also known as falling away or committing apostasy, is a term used within Christianity to describe a process by which an individual who has converted to Christianity reverts to pre- conversion habits and/or lapses or falls into sin, when a person turns from God to pursue their own desire.

17. The anti-Clawback regulations clarify that in the case of a donor who makes lifetime gifts when the increased exclusion amount is in effect and dies after 2025 when the increased exclusion amount reverts to the 2017 level of $5 million indexed for inflation, the decedent’s estate will not claw back the excess.

18. Just before Eminem passes away two thirds of the way through the song, he regains his strength and tries to "rewind time like a tape." The second half of "Arose" reverts back to "Castle" and Em picks up where he left off, but this time rapping triumphantly about outdoing albums like Relapse, Recovery, and The Marshall Mathers LP 2