monopolistic in Czech

monopolistic monopolistický Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "monopolistic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "monopolistic" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monopolistic", or refer to the context using the word "monopolistic" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

2. Monopolistic competition: Medium barriers to entry.

3. 2 But this monopolistic paradise has been lost.

4. 12 Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

5. 11 A monopolistic market has no supply curve.

6. After 20 years development, China's sports products industry monopolistic competition.

7. 3 Regulation was therefore required to prevent monopolistic abuse.

8. 1 The company wants to maintain its monopolistic position.

9. A yeoman farmer model of price setting under monopolistic competition.

10. 13 The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from monopolistic ownership.

11. Labour markets are indirectly affected by monopolistic competition in product markets.

12. Instead of pure competition, there was monopolistic competition or imperfect competition.

13. Synonyms for Anticompetitive include autocratic, controlling, dominant, exploitative, monopolistic and unchallenged

14. 28 The judge ruled that Microsoft had behaved in a monopolistic way.

15. Now consider the internal IRS using the monopolistic competition setup for firms.

16. 15 Second, competition is difficult to ensure, giving scope for monopolistic abuse.

17. 9 Instead of pure competition, there was monopolistic competition or imperfect competition.

18. 6 Labour markets are indirectly affected by monopolistic competition in product markets.

19. 14 Now consider the internal IRS using the monopolistic competition setup for firms.

20. 10 Monopolistic restrictions are imposed where, on purely technical grounds, there could be abundance.

21. The main appeal of the monopolistic competition model is not its realism, but its simplicity.

22. The model of monopolistic competition was considered important when it was introduced for two reasons.

23. 20 If not carefully structured, markets that look competitive can also succumb to monopolistic power.

24. 5 Mazowiecki's government had earlier vowed to end monopolistic practices and state subsidies for parties.

25. The concept was proposed by Edward Chamberlin in his 1933 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition.

26. 25 As the chain mushroomed in the 1970 s , complaints of monopolistic arrogance threatened Gannett's image.

27. 7 By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

28. By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

29. Monopolistic trading companies, a state bank, efforts to stimulate industrial development; none of these had much success.

30. A few examples of businesses involved in monopolistic Competition are restaurants, retail shops, salons and consumer electronics.

31. For most of the rest of the book we will concern ourselves with a fourth approach: monopolistic competition.

32. The monopolistic model argues that because Bureaucracies face no competition, they have no real incentive to improve efficiency.

33. 21 As a result the market structure very often ceased to be purely competitive, becoming monopolistic or oligopolistic.

34. Monopolistic Competition is a market where there are many competitors, but each company sells a slightly different product

35. 24 As the partial equilibrium analysis suggested, a procompetitive effect, with monopolistic industries expanding, is expected from trade.

36. 2 As a result the market structure very often ceased to be purely competitive, becoming monopolistic or oligopolistic.

37. 26 By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.

38. 29 Article 38 The Anti - monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall investigate any suspicious monopolistic conduct according to law.

39. 4 Monopolistic trading companies, a state bank, efforts to stimulate industrial development; none of these had much success.

40. 8 The model is one of monopolistic competition, in which each firm has a declining cost curve, although constant marginal cost.

41. 22 For most of the rest of the book we will concern ourselves with a fourth approach: monopolistic competition.

42. Z is produced with variety-specifIc increasing returns to scale, and the Z market is characterized by monopolistic competition.

43. The model is one of monopolistic competition, in which each firm has a declining cost curve, although constant marginal cost.

44. 16 Z is produced with variety-specifIc increasing returns to scale, and the Z market is characterized by monopolistic competition.

45. The term refers to an environment where the state intervenes in the economy to protect larger monopolistic or oligopolistic businesses from threats.

46. Second, public bureaus come to be organized in a monopolistic and centralized fashion to match the organization of monopoly capital.

47. 18 Second, public bureaus come to be organized in a monopolistic and centralized fashion to match the organization of monopoly capital.

48. 17 But Smith envisaged a world of small-scale enterprise, which would be left alone by government and by monopolistic corporations.

49. 19 The elder's secular authority is very significantly reinforced by his monopolistic control of the relations between men and the ancestors.

50. One of the reasons for the monopolistic supply situation is the absence of second-hand markets for rolling stock and ATP systems.