minimised in Czech

minimised minimalizovaný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "minimised"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "minimised" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "minimised", or refer to the context using the word "minimised" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. the occurrence of abnormal events is minimised;

2. (ii) the occurrence of abnormal events is minimised;

3. Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning.

4. But it was not only the fire risk that was minimised.

5. Any spoilage shall be minimised and kept under control to reduce pest invasion.

6. Any spoilage shall be minimised and kept under control to reduce pest invasion

7. Overall labour requirement is minimised by the use of heat and chemical energy in the soaking process.

8. The risk to the supply-chain network can be minimised by being well prepared for potential events.

9. In this way body temperature was kept constant and the evaporation of water from abdominal tissues was minimised.

10. The effect of a downward draught is that the development of hot spots in the kiln is minimised.

11. 27 In this way body temperature was kept constant and the evaporation of water from abdominal tissues was minimised.

12. In addition, and if appropriate, measures shall be included to ensure that emissions of ammonia due to the use of consumable reagents are minimised

13. In addition, and if appropriate, measures shall be included to ensure that emissions of ammonia due to the use of consumable reagents are minimised.

14. Ammonia was added to the samples in the tube. Because of this treatment samples could be ashed at higher temperatures and non-specific absorption was thereby minimised.

15. Vehicle crash damage is minimised in an inexpensive manner by providing said guard rail with a means of simple configuration for absorbing crash impact on said guard rail bodies.

16. A Mixing Chamber (MC) in which exhaust gas and air are mixed homogeneously, and which may be located close to the vehicle so that the length of the TT is minimised.

17. A pinhole Columnates the light that passes through it so that any effect of refraction is minimised or elimiated. What this means is that if you hold a pinhole up to your eye without your eyeglasses some or most of the blur goes away.

18. Central nervous system ischemia is prevented or minimised in a patient who has suffered an acute insult by administering a protective amount of a thyroid hormone such as levothyroxine, liothyronine, L-3,3',5'-triiodothyronine or L-3,5-diiodothyronine, preferably in the form of their sodium salts.

19. The effects of low adhesion on the operation of trains on a railway are minimised by obtaining data on a multiplicity of factors which affect the risk of low adhesion, and processing the data so as to generate predictions as to which sections of line have low adhesion.

20. Amendment by María Isabel Salinas García Amendment 264 Article 9, paragraph 1, point (b) (vii) (vii) duration of transport of livestock to slaughterhouses shall be minimised; (vii) allopathic tranquillisers shall not be used during or before transport, and when loading and unloading animals shall not be subjected to any kind of forcible electric stimulation; Or. es Justification The paragraph as it stands is not specific enough.

21. The present invention has the advantage that the consumption of the thermal energy required for drying is minimised, and hot air or hot water created in the surplus heat cooler is reused such that not only is there a saving in energy but there is also a dramatic reduction in the amount of carbon emissions, smells are not created, and the dried solid objects are hygienically safe.